Bumping my own thread. I ended up getting a 5600X and I can definitely feel a difference over the 3600. I ended up reinstalling Windows, and my 5700 XT graphics card bumped up almost 100% in performance, so obviously there was something somewhere that was messing things up.
The 100% increase in performance was before upgrading to a 5600X.
The 6000 series ended up not coming out because AMD are doing refreshes on the 5800(x) by releasing a 5800X3D, and the GPU upgrades are not that much better than when I currently use, for the PSU I have.
I have a 700 watt PSU so I can either upgrade to a 3070 at the moment (non ti) or a 6750XT. The 3070 offers the hugest performance increase, but at ~$650 and up, it's not enough of an increase to justify the price when the 3070 still doesn't perform 4k very well in some cases, and is targeted at 1440p.
I think at this point, if someone wanted cheap 4k gaming, they'd be better off with an Xbox series x or a ps5 (yeah right good luck getting a ps5 here in the States) for $500 + Tax over the ~$850-1k for a 4k capable gpu.
I'm sure I missed something here like a 3070 using dlss to upscale to 4k, but I'm talking in terms of pure rendering power. Last I checked, retailers actually had series x in stock and had same day/next day shipping. Pretty tempting, even if you don't agree with console makers and some of their ideas for gaming. Just remember if you get a series x, set it to your home console so you don't have to deal with the internet going down and missing out on games. Their DRM literally revolves around that, for the most part.
Sorry for the necro - wait no I'm not, this is my thread and I'm not sorry - Also one last thing - where the 5600X was selling for ~$300 in most places last year when I started this thread, I got mine for ~$200 USD plus tax by being patient.
You might say cymster, why didn't you wait for AM5? I don't have hundreds of dollars for new RAM and a new motherboard ;)
Good luck out there, and remember to have fun.