john_hatcher: And how do you know that the people interested in classics will not grow?
TentacleMayor: There are good and great games in every generation. Games that were cutting-edge AAA 10 years ago are now a nostalgic part of people's childhood. Are these the games people want when they ask for classics on GOG? No, they want 90s games, none of this ''new'' garbage.
Er...the mid-90s are imo absolutely the best time of PC gaming and as a whole will never be topped in terms of quality and complete game world experiences, including manuals and supplemental material. However, would you believe some of my favorite games on GOG are indeed titles from the last 10 years? That was a major reason I ended up here, not only did GOG have old games I loved, it had versions of newer games like Fallout: New Vegas and Dead Space, that I could own. It may sound cheesy but I was beaming with smiles to see some of these games here and realizing I could actually own them on PC, as I refuse to use Scheme (Steam).
Also, for what its worth, I didn't really see older gamers complaining about big releases like Bioshock (beyond wanting the original version of it). Or Dragon Age Origins, or Dead Space. In fact, I think if the rest of these series were to come here, I imagine they would be big sellers (okay, I don't feel I need Dead Space 3 but point stands otherwise). Bring good AAA games from that era and I think it interests even the old-schoolers. The problem is game quality and completeness. A lot of new games, not just indie and not just AAA, feel lacking compared to what was offered in the past. But, there are many games (like the ones I mentioned earlier in this post), which certainly stand the test of time.
rjbuffchix: they wasted vast money and resources on Galaxy, profiles, and a website redesign that their users loathe. Imo, all of those resources should have instead gone towards bringing more classic and "old AAA" titles back from when AAA games were good (so, basically, pre-Steam).
dal: If that resources will bring games like System Shock remastered on GOG instead - will probably benefit everyone.
How do those resources get System Shock remastered here? I don't recall exactly when it was listed...could've sworn before redesign but brain is foggy anymore. But I think it could come without client/profile/site redesign...really, the client is the only one that is even arguable (dev maybe preferring the update method).