dreanason: is there a customer support service number. cant get the games I bought
No phone number, no (they're located in Poland, and don't have staff working 24/7, so I don't know how feasible telephone support would be anyway); if you need to get ahold of their Support department, you'll need to e-mail them explaining your problem. Go
here, select the relevant problem you're having, and enter the info asked for. Just be aware that only a few of their Support staff work outside of normal Monday-through-Friday business hours, and it's several hours later where they are (Warsaw) than where you are, so be patient when waiting for a response.
Did you try to download your games the way I showed? EDIT: Or are you still trying to use Galaxy?
HunchBluntley: Currently, MaGog is wayy more cumbersome to use (for this purpose), too. ;) Might be something to do with the fact that it was made to be a search engine, and the "library" functionality was an afterthought.
phaolo: Cumbersome? It just offers more optional advanced features.
Also, on Magog: all tags show up immediately; you can apply them to all the catalog; you can filter the results also by them.
Not sure what you mean by "all tags show up immediately" -- I've never experienced any lag between assigning a tag to a game in my library, and it being displayed on that game's "box".
And I can't think of any reason I, personally, would need to tag games that I don't own, but I suppose that's just me. :P
Anyway, I have used MaGog to keep track of how much I paid for games, what discount I bought them at, whose gift code/promo code I redeemed (or who redeemed mine), etc., but I guess I just prefer the look and interface of the library to that of MaGog when it comes to viewing my owned games. It's still a great search engine, though. : )