Olauron: That dev/publisher may be angry at GOG
Sorry, but if you're a dev/publisher that's treating gog customers like dirt, you have no business to be angry at anyone except yourself for pissing off your paying customers in the first place.
HOWEVER... toxicTom: Look at the tone in these forums lately... Of course they can't say officially "please ask the devs to stay here". It would amount to "How dare you to leave the DRM-free revolution. Traitor! we'll kill you!!!
Believe it or not, the internet is like that nowadayways...
Don't underestimate people's intelligence. In forums, I tend to be one of the more passionate participants (which is really just a nice way to say that I tend to use profanity a lot), but even I know that hurling obscenities at devs and publishers would be rather counterproductive. You have no idea how many times I've been itching to type the words "Hey cocksucker, where's my fucking update?" into that email header, but I didn't. I stay polite. I'm usually even complimenting the devs ("I really enjoyed your game, so I would really appreciate it if..."). If you want people to give you what you want (even if you feel entitled to it - and in the case of updates on gog, you ARE entitled to it, since you're a paying customer), you'll have to be polite. If you're rude, you're going to get ignored. It's common sense, really.