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The DRM-Free Revolution Continues with Big Pre-Orders and Launch Day Releases!

Good news! is going to bring you more fantastic launch day releases, preorders, and other exciting new content from some of our favorite developers. We've lined up 3 big titles that we will be bringing to in the next couple of months for sale or preorder that we think will be hits with all of our gamers; and we have more equally exciting games coming up soon.

If you've been a member of the site for a long time, you may recall that when we launched sales of The Witcher 2 on, we had to add in regional pricing. The game cost different amounts in in the US, the UK, the European Union, and Australia. We're doing something like that once again in order to bring you new titles from fantastic bigger studios. Since we don't accept currencies other than USD on right now, we'll be charging the equivalent of the local price in USD for these titles. We wish that we could offer these games at flat prices everywhere in the world, but the decision on pricing is always in our partners' hands, and regional pricing is becoming the standard around the globe. We're doing this because we believe that there's no better way to accomplish our overall goals for DRM-Free gaming and We need more games, devs, and publishers on board to make DRM-Free gaming something that's standard for all of the gaming world!

That brings with it more good news, though! As mentioned, we have three games we're launching soon with regional pricing--two RPGs and a strategy game--and while we can't tell you what they are yet because breaking an NDA has more severe penalties than just getting a noogie, we're confident that you'll be as excited about these games as we are. For a limited time, we will be offering anyone who pre-orders or buys one of them a free game from a selection as a gift from, just like we did for The Witcher 2.

If you have any questions, hit us up in the comments below and we'll be happy to answer (to the best of our ability).

EDIT: Since we've answered a lot of the common questions already here (and lest you think that we've ignored you), it may be handy for you to check out the forum thread about this and search for staff answers by clicking this link here. (hat tip to user Eli who reminded us that the feature even exists. :)
Novotnus: I don't know what else TET can do... He doesn't sell us any bullshit in this topic (like a shitty PR guy would) and doesn't pretend it's something everybody should be happy about.
hedwards: That's definitely a point, I'm not sure who exactly is at fault here, but somewhere in marketing they've screwed up rather royally here. I'm guessing that we aren't getting LA or MS as a result of this and that whomever they've managed to sign isn't likely worth it.

If it were LA or MS, I don't think they'd be bothering to preannounce the bad news, I think they'd have waited until the games were ready to preorder.

I also think that over the years they've compromised themselves so badly that much of the goodwill is already gone and a lot of us have lost faith in them to do the right thing. I'm curious as to how much they can piss us off before it's a serious problem. That insomnia sale and the time machine promo pretty much turned me off of buying games here for the foreseeable future. sure the promos were successful, but I'm not sure that pissing people off like that is a viable long term strategy.

I know I'm far less likely to recommend GOG when I have other options just because I don't respect the sleazier tactics that have been used in recent times.
Since steam tactics are really awful and even Humble Store is deleting drmfree links from the purchased links (for example, Sang Froid only has steamkey, being Gog´s version the only one drmfree) I don´t really know who could be even better nowdays...

(And IMHO, the insomnia and time machine sale weren´t a bad idea)
hedwards: I don't know about that. They had region free pricing that they've chucked. I'm not sure how burning down the house to save the house makes much sense.
adamhm: DRM-free and worldwide pricing are two separate issues and each of them a big deal for the major publishers, but only the DRM-free issue is something they can "easily" overcome (i.e. they're not forced by contracts & dependencies on other companies etc).

Worldwide pricing however is a much harder thing for GOG to get publishers to agree to as they will have contracts with retailers, local distributors etc. that specify minimum prices for different regions. Digital releases must adhere to the agreed pricing (typically the RRP for each region) or else they'll get into legal trouble for breach of contract and those retailers & distributors will not stock their games in future. They can't afford to just ignore the retail channels as they're still too important for the publishers to drop. The only way to offer a worldwide pricing scheme that would comply with this would be for GOG to offer the games at the most expensive price anywhere in the world - not a viable solution at all.

I'm not sure that having AAA games here is worthwhile if they have to piss off the loyal customers in order to have the same deal available elsewhere.
adamhm: Well buying the games here isn't the same deal as anywhere else, even if it costs the same; the difference is here they'll be DRM-free (which is a big, *BIG* deal for me, personally. Fuck DRM). Possibly also some extra bonus stuff too that you won't get on Steam or elsewhere.

Take for example, South Park: The Stick of Truth, which I'm looking forward to enough to tolerate Steam. Here's its Steam pricing:

US: $59.99 (~£36, ~€44)
UK: £39.99 (~$66, ~€48)
EU: €39.99 (~$55, ~£33)

My current plan is to buy a retail copy, which is over £10 cheaper than on Steam (and registers on Steam anyway). However *if* it was to be released here then I'd gladly pay the £10+ extra to get it here simply because it would be DRM-free here.
And you forgot Russia (almost 16$)

Now that´s a ripoff, but even with that, if Gog manage to sell it in DRMFREE (since Uplay and Steam DOESN´T have it, it would still be a good thing)
Post edited February 22, 2014 by Drerhu
I'm actually wondering if certain publishers are rocking the boat so to say.First GMG had to do it, then Humble and now Gog , all in short space of time.
hedwards: That's definitely a point, I'm not sure who exactly is at fault here, but somewhere in marketing they've screwed up rather royally here. I'm guessing that we aren't getting LA or MS as a result of this and that whomever they've managed to sign isn't likely worth it.

If it were LA or MS, I don't think they'd be bothering to preannounce the bad news, I think they'd have waited until the games were ready to preorder.

I also think that over the years they've compromised themselves so badly that much of the goodwill is already gone and a lot of us have lost faith in them to do the right thing. I'm curious as to how much they can piss us off before it's a serious problem. That insomnia sale and the time machine promo pretty much turned me off of buying games here for the foreseeable future. sure the promos were successful, but I'm not sure that pissing people off like that is a viable long term strategy.

I know I'm far less likely to recommend GOG when I have other options just because I don't respect the sleazier tactics that have been used in recent times.
Drerhu: Since steam tactics are really awful and even Humble Store is deleting drmfree links from the purchased links (for example, Sang Froid only has steamkey, being Gog´s version the only one drmfree) I don´t really know who could be even better nowdays...

(And IMHO, the insomnia and time machine sale weren´t a bad idea)
Your one of the most reasonable people in this thread. I thought the insomnia and time machine sales were pretty cool myself.
Quite disappointed in this.. I just wish some staff would give some insight to what this really means to GOG.
Will they, eventually, change all of their pricing to regional or will they just keep regional pricing on certain games.
Hampster: Quite disappointed in this.. I just wish some staff would give some insight to what this really means to GOG.
Will they, eventually, change all of their pricing to regional or will they just keep regional pricing on certain games.
TeT has already said that it is up to the publishers, they have no plans currently but if the publishers want to change the pricing for the current catalogue, gog will do so.
Hampster: Quite disappointed in this.. I just wish some staff would give some insight to what this really means to GOG.
Will they, eventually, change all of their pricing to regional or will they just keep regional pricing on certain games.
i reckon they can't because they don't now either. all we know is they opened the door. again. sad panda.
Niggles: I'm actually wondering if certain publishers are rocking the boat so to say.First GMG had to do it, then Humble and now Gog , all in short space of time.
Good question. I've been wondering the same thing.
Hampster: Will they, eventually, change all of their pricing to regional or will they just keep regional pricing on certain games.
I would like to know this too, and if it will be possible if they will still try to negotiate regional / fair pricing for upcoming games. Put regional prices only at games where negotiations are not possible due to legal issues.
Hampster: Will they, eventually, change all of their pricing to regional or will they just keep regional pricing on certain games.
MichiGen: I would like to know this too, and if it will be possible if they will still try to negotiate regional / fair pricing for upcoming games. Put regional prices only at games where negotiations are not possible due to legal issues.
I mostly likely see this being the case.
C17: Will all games in the catalog be regionally priced?
In the short run: no - in the long: it is likely.

When the made distribution agreements between GOG and the respective publishers are in for renegotiation because of their usual finite length - there is nothing stopping the publishers from demanding regional pricing for those titles also.
Who is GOG to to think it knows better with regard to what its customers want than its customers themselves? That's what the community wishlist is for. GOG, use it! How about getting System Shock and Grim Fandango instead of some "AAA" titles whose publishers force you to adhere to their needs alone?
Drerhu: Since steam tactics are really awful and even Humble Store is deleting drmfree links from the purchased links (for example, Sang Froid only has steamkey, being Gog´s version the only one drmfree) I don´t really know who could be even better nowdays...

(And IMHO, the insomnia and time machine sale weren´t a bad idea)
GaminggUy45: Your one of the most reasonable people in this thread. I thought the insomnia and time machine sales were pretty cool myself.
You must work for a casino. Those sales were deeply exploitive and Mr. Gog ought to be ashamed of himself for taking advantage of a well known weakness that people have.
Not having read all 78 earlier pages, I guess some of the regionally affected games in question here will be Risen1 and Risen2 ?


Edit: hmm, maybe I misunderstood this, we're talking about NEW games, not yet released ?
Post edited February 22, 2014 by sovepose
Niggles: I'm actually wondering if certain publishers are rocking the boat so to say.First GMG had to do it, then Humble and now Gog , all in short space of time.
Then just let me shake this bag of chum out and push them out of the boat. First, they're making me sick, second, they have no honor, third, their girth was weighing things down anyway, and fourth, this'll feed the sharks so I have something to eat later.
GaminggUy45: Your one of the most reasonable people in this thread. I thought the insomnia and time machine sales were pretty cool myself.
hedwards: You must work for a casino. Those sales were deeply exploitive and Mr. Gog ought to be ashamed of himself for taking advantage of a well known weakness that people have.
I wish i worked in a casino. Also i said they were pretty cool i didn't say they weren't exploitive.