The only place I've found reasonable prices is at Nvidia's own site.... and that means you aren't getting some of the "extra" stuff that resellers add. Of course some of that is crap.... but some is nice and can actually impact performance and ease of use.
But........ ALL of the 1000's series are Out of Stock. 1050, 1060, 1070, 1070ti, 1080, and 1080ti.
And the places where there are 1080ti's available..... well over 1,200 usually. (See screenshots above).
So the TitanXp at $1,138.00 is actually cheaper than a 1080ti.... right now. (And strangely enough... the Star Wars Collector's edition TitanXp's are cheaper than the Standard TitanXp ($1,138.00 versus $1,200.00).
So, as I said above, right now anyway, getting the TitanXp is actually the less insane choice. I shot the moon and got two to run in SLI. LOL One of the Jedi Order and one of the Gallactic Empire collector's edition, along with the High Bandwidth SLI bridge. They arrived today.
ADDED: And now I notice that the TitanXp's are now Out Of Stock.
God Damned Miners.