This is unfuckingbelievably out of control. Prices of the 1080ti's have nearly DOUBLED. No, that's not a typo.
Here's a screen shot of the best deals there are right now... i.e. the "cheap ones" These were in the low 700's not long ago (weeks... not months).
I was looking at one that had an old price, $869.99 but it was shown as Out of Stock. Oh well, I thought, maybe that one will be okay when they get it back. So I clicked on it. When it got to the actual page.... the price wasn't $869.99 any more. IT WAS $1,399.99.
God Damned Miners.
I've got all of my parts except a GPU. And if It's going to be my last rig (it is) there's no sense in going with anything except the 1080ti to future proof it as much as possible (please don't bother posting on here "Wait for the ........." due out in XXXXX months." This is ALWAYS true. ALWAYS. So please don't waste your time)
All I want is a 1080ti. Is there anywhere in this whole world I can buy one for less than $900?
NOTE: For those that might have read my last thread on this subject I had posted a bid on two of them at E-Bay for sort of kind of reasonable prices... still higher than they were but still at least less than $1,000.00. And I was told that on the last couple of days the miners would come in and the price would go up. Yep. Both sold for over $1,300.
God. Damned. Miners.
HEAR HEAR! +1 All I want is a 1070 but I'm not paying the insane price for one. I don't shit money. Damn miners are ruining PC gaming. The only affordable GPUs nowadays are 1050s and 1060s. I guess most miners think they are too weak.
OldFatGuy: No. It's mining.
Qwertyman: Yeah, timing has nothing to do with it. Miners have royally f--ked the video card market for a while now. It sometimes gets a little better during sales, but most of the cards are still way over their MSRP. When I bought a GTX 970 pre-mining days, it was the second best non-Titan video card on the market and it was ~340 USD. Now take a look at the prices on the 1070 and prepare to laugh your a$$ off. Also, check out the prices on the 1060, which is comparable to the 970 I used to have. The 1060 is designed to be a ~$200 budget video card, hence it being comparable to last generations higher end cards (the 900 series).
Although I know the miners didn't do anything with the specific intention of making it more difficult for gamers to build PCs (especially for those with tigher budgets), I wouldn't feel even the slightest bit of sympathy if all of the cryptocurrencies tanked overnight.
My fucking recently purchased 1060, cost me $300, thanks to miners. I say, we gamers should boycott buying GPUs until the prices become reasonable. This will force the stores, NVIDIA and AMD to do something about this bullshit. I'm not upgrading my GPU until I can find a reasonable priced 1070 or 1080. And if I can't find one, I might just become a console gamer in the future because who knows if this BS crypto currency craze will die in the future. There are too many people looking for get rich quick schemes(99% won't work by the way) instead of just hard work.