ElTerprise: Well the contacts appear but the scroll bar disappears when everything has finished loading...
I've attached an image which should make it a bit more clear and i can say for certain that this issue is related to the script because the scrolling works when i disable the script.
Might be - because for Wasteland 2 several versions exist (the base kickstarter version, the Digital classic version and the Digital Deluxe version)
I got that once too when I first loaded up in Firefox to check after reading your post, but then I couldn't recreate it.. (and I see from your later post that it's fixed itself for you too) not sure why, if it keeps being an issue let me know.
Yeah, it just looks like there are extra lists, and my implementation of that part of the script could probably be better and cleaner (and wouldn't work if extra lists is the issue).
HypersomniacLive: Cheers for everything!
If you made sorting by priority tags order available to private wishlists, I may find another use for this great feature besides prying into people's public wishlists. :-)
And two questions:
The changelog says [emphasis added]:
Added the option to sort public wishlists by their priority tags (only works on each individual page of the wishlist)
HypersomniacLive: Can you guess what I'm going to request? How likely is it to put on your To Do List to have all games in one's wishlist show in a single page?
Also, does this update also address the issue of new games getting added at the very bottom even if one chooses to have them added at the very top?
Since you ask so nicely ;P
I'll put it on the to do list, it's not too complicated to do so I'll try get it for the next update. Is it ok if it just goes on the same menu option as the public wishlists or would people prefer separate ones?
Unfortunately it's the same answer I gave mrkgnao earlier about sorting the whole list... right now the implementation is too much work. I'll probably get around to it eventually, but I can't guarantee it will be any time soon.
Yes it does :)