I don't know who came up with this panic-mode 'nothing will work' because there isn't going to be a 32-bit version of Windows 11 ... Don't listen to rumors end of story.
The only issue might be the TPM 2.0 requirement. Since MS pulled their tool to check for compatibility issues you will wish to use
WhyNotWin11 to see whether this is supported and running on your current OS.
For specific information about how to enable TPM 2.0, I would recommend consulting your mainboard manual or to look it up online. Here is also a guide I think is useful as it allows you to check whether or not TPM 2.0 is activated in Windows 10. There might be cases where it is set active in your BIOS but isn't enabled in your OS for some reason.
howtogeek This has given me a little headache when I first tried. In my bios TPM was active but set to discreet (ASUS Prime Z390-A) instead of hardware mode. Once set TPM 2.0 was shown active and the tool has given an all clear signal. I haven't had the chance to test the insider build but will in the next couple of days.
The only thing I like to know is what versions of 11 will be available. Like will there be an enterprise/ultimate like in the good old 2000/Windows 7 days allowing me not having to bother with native XBOX integration? Which, really, the group doing it should be fired for. More important still is the question of their spyware that's all over the place you got to go out of your way to deactivate it in the relevant privacy tabs, in administrative templates, in registry and power-shell to actually silence them. Meaning without full control over the entirety of the OS likely I'm going to skip 11 over. That's some real concerns right there for you to mull over.