Theoclymenus: Well I was thinking about buying Pillars of Eternity in the sale today, but ultimately I decided against it. What I wanted was : the game, its expansion, the manual (which I've already read and which I can say is "ok" by today's standards but hardly comprehensive), perhaps the almanac and perhaps the guide.
As far as the manual goes, it's pretty much useless at this point anyway. It hasn't been updated since release, but the game has gone through so many changes and updates in mechanics and other areas that the only thing the manual would be any good for is controls (and even some of those have changed). Maybe some background.
Similar for the strategy guide. Hell, even a bunch of the creatures got immunities (something Obs said they weren't going to do when they pitched the KS campaign), classes got a bunch of nerfs and buff-ups, talents and skills have changed, etc, so the strategy guide's going to be full of misinformation at this point.
The almanac's cool though.