dtgreene: It is enough to exclude me, therefore it is exclusionary.
You should pick a different term that implies solidarity and is not gendered.
You have an uncanny nack for being annoying. I don't know if you're doing it on purpose, but it's like you're trying to be an avatar for everything that's annoying people about "gender issues" (or whatever you want to call it). We could make a drinking game out of your "don't call me Shirley" posts, and I seriously don't think it's possible to start a thread you couldn't bring gender issues into at the flimsiest excuse.
And here's the crux of it- I'm not saying all this to insult you, and I'm not taking any sides in any gender debate you might like to have. I'm saying it in a desperate hope that you might actually realise how touchy, tedious and needlessly disruptive you are, and try to change before people stop being mildly annoyed by you, and start really hating you.