Nice to see some opinions here (even if most of them are on the negative side (: ).
I share some of the objections, actually - but personally, I think, I see more positives.
Some criticize the lack of online connection and "No patches" and "no updates".
I own some old consoles, and I was thinking about how it was back in the days, when these consoles were
"da shit", I came to this conclusion:
-I didn't need online (shit...there was no online! - at all!),
-I (very seldom-if at all) wished for patches (didn't knew that word back then, ffs),
-and updates? What updates? If I wanted a more powerful console, with better graphics and whatnot...I bought the next model (aka: next gen).
To be more clear:
Online-connection is still not needed, if you play [a] mostly alone, with friends that live near you, [c] with your family (spouse, kids) The keyword here is local MP.
Patches are not needed, if the devs care for their product - and I believe, that devs who knowingly develop for cartridges, do care for their product. They proved so, in the past.
Hey, sure...they can screw up...once...but how often do you think, people will buy another game from them, if they do?
And mind you - we're not talking about some youngsters, who will end up buying the next CoD (just an example) anyway, no matter how crappy the last one was...we're talking about grown up gamers, with decades of gaming experience, who definitely will judge you by your deeds, not by your fancy advertising.
People with the money and the right mindset for such a piece of tech.
Updates (in the sense of "new model/next gen") are not to be expected here. Well, not for quite some time, I would say. This is not your average console, with a successor already in mind, while the first is just coming out of planning phase.
Regarding the "my PC can emulate everything"...well, emulation has never been, and will never be, the same as playing the original hardware, and don't even think about your emulation being better as playing the original.Period.
As far as I understand it, they want to do something entirely on its own, with versions of old(er) games and new games specially done for their console.
This is not just another RetroN, where you put in your old cartridges. This is something new.
Of course, one thing has to be clear also: when you buy this, you will have to wait for your games...they will -most certainly- not be made with the impact rate, that other platforms see.
This console is meant for the connoisseur - not for the glutton.
So - you may disagree...and there is no way I or anyone else, could (or would want to) make you change your mind...but I -as an collector and user of old consoles- am very excited about the concept, and I hope, they reach their target.
I haven't given them any money, yet...but I will definitely do so, if the initial target gets met.
And if they don't meet their target?
Well - the world will continue to turn. :)
EDIT: Ooops...something went terribly wrong with the bolding...wasn't my fault - I promise!
Post edited September 22, 2015 by BreOl72