What a hoot, :) In for Back to the Future please,
Well, I am not proud of my one and only time travel experience. When I was 10 in the year of our Lord 1841, I was out in the woods by myself and in not the best of moods, kicking sticks, frowning at the world. Suddenly, I saw a massive hullaballo happening in a copse up ahead. Trees were thrashing, lights were flashing, and grit was mashing. I pushed thru all that nonsense only to witness a rather elegant rocketship land and extend out a gangplank. As I stood there, covered in grit, leaves and sticky bits a willowy spaceman er spaceperson um spacethingy ambled out, spied me and approached. Using a tentacle it pressed a bit of technology to its thorax and haltingly spoke.
"Greetings Earthling. I am Ambassador Xyziquptcl and I am here to grant the Human species the power of time travel for one event and one event only. What is it you wish?"
Without hesitation I stammered " I want to go back 1hr."
A look of concern crossed the spacethingies orbs. "Are you quite sure?"
"Why yes!" I retorted and stamped my foot stubbornly, always hating when elders, even elder space thingies spoke down to me.
"Very well." It then pressed a red button on the technology thing and with a swoosh and a poosh I was back exactly one hour.
In front of me was a tray of sticky buns me mam had baked. Only one was left. I could her my incredibly annoying older brother hammering down the stairs towards the kitchen and the delectable goodie on the tray. With triumph I nabbed that sticky bit of heaven and shoved it in my mouth just as my brother burst in.
Eyes a goggle he hollered, how did you get there before me you brat?!"
With sublime satisfaction I just winked and pushed past him out the door, happily munching away.
So I could have saved the world, saved any number of important assassinated pillars of the community, changed history to the betterment of all............. well, it WAS an incredibly good sticky bun after all.
cheers mate