kaletan: @BreOl72 I've had trouble with other movies where I knew enough details but Google couldn't do anything. [...] Original idea. Guess what, Google couldn't find it either.
Well, I sure had my own hard times, when it came to finding old movies, songs, etc.,...but even with less details, than you offer, I found my stuff in the end - and on Google, nonetheless.
If it is on Google (
as your examples are), you can find it there - with the right search parameters.
Using your example, I searched for "
movie boy meets old self time travel time machine", which lead to 2.280.000 results...
On side number six (6) of the search results, I found this site:
All time travel movies" sure does sound good.
All Over Again (aka. Against Time) is the first entry under the year 2001 (
with a link to imdb).
Now, of course, I don't know what exactly you remembered of that movie, and what your search parameters were...but let's pretend, you were sure about the time travel thing and
maybe also had a limited time-frame regarding the release-date - the site above would have shown you your movie (
of course, you'd had to invest some time, if reading the name itself didn't ring a bell in your memory).
I'm not saying, your movie doesn't exist, or that it should be easy to find, like I said, I'm really anticipating the resolve to your search.
I'm also curious to see (
if the movie/TV-series is found), which of your details will match the result in the end.