GR00T: There was a thread a while ago that brought this up (not sure if I can find it now), but the bottom line is they do have to comply: as soon as they opened a German storefront, they were bound by the German rules.
I disliked that decision from the start, but then again, I guess I was kind of arrogant for thinking that an English language store shouldn't pose a problem to most Germans. Would have been interesting to learn how well that panned out for them, if they've got a huge influx of new German customers after that which made it worth paying this price. I think there's been a lot of German (online) gaming news coverage for GOG since the change, which is good, but the German language forums aren't that more active than those for specific games, and they also seem a bit neglected with regard to news threads (my superficial impression is that not each and every news thread from the English site shows up on the German forums, too). But that doesn't tell us anything about the financial side - maybe the new German customers just buy games and don't hang out in the forums that much? The few German gamers I know in real life still prefer to shop elsewhere though, I think.
Also, since noone else seems to dare asking the horribly indiscrete, off-topic tabloid questions: Did you have to pay travel costs and lodging out of your own pocket or was (at least part of that) included in the invitation? Sorry, my curiosity got the better of me. XD