Alright. I close the GA (at least for the games that had takers)
Deponia goes to Caesar
Little Big Adventure 2 goes to DrLeatherface
Fantasy General goes to Bookwyrm
The Ultimas code goes to josh72718 first and if he isn't interested in Ultima 7, it would be nice if he passed that on to the second placed TheNerdyPlane
Mount&Blade and Eador remain untaken. For these the GA remains open and the codes will go to the first eligible person to ask for them.
Fonzer: Hm i never played any ultima games as it seems and you said ultima 7 is the best crpg,wishlited it by now and wonder are ultima games in anyway connected between them storywise or somehow?
Yes. All Ultima games tell a continous story (apart from Ultima 9, which in large parts ignores the previous games). But the important parts of the story are told ingame too, so you don't need to know any previous Ultimas to enjoy Ultima 7. I started with Ultima 7 too, back when it was released, and only played the previous Ultimas afterwards.