The only GK that would really benefit from a remake is the second title. Watching Z grade actors (out of which the one who plays Gabriel is probably the worst) is just simply painful.
As for GK1, I actually think that this game used pixelated graphics very well, and most of the backgrounds were created in a way to make the environments look less flat and give them some depth (some of them were a bit off though).
GK3 didn't age very well graphically, just like most of the 3D games of the 90's (I think it is actually one of those games that has aged very badly when it comes to visuals), but the writing is still up to par with games that come out these days, and are quite good popular literature material, and this can be said for all three games.
Personally, I'd rather Jane Jensen just concentrated on making a good fourth episode instead of the remakes, but I can also understand that she needs to get a new generation of gamers into the series somehow rather than just introducing a fourth installment out of the blue, since most people who are used to fancy visual design in games will be certainly put off by the previous GK episodes, and counting only on old fans of the series would certainly not bring in enough sales.
One thing that I'd be really curious about is that in case a 4th episode did happen, would it continue the tradition of "keeping up with the times"? The GK stories always took place around the same year the game was published, in which case Gabriel would be well past forty in GK4. Which would not bother me in the slightest, mind you, it would actually make a bit of a change, since most of the popular adventure game characters are rather young.
However, what I'd like to see (or rather, hear) the most in the remakes and the new episodes is a new composer, as I think all three GK games had terrible soundtracks.
Post edited December 16, 2012 by szablev