CubeXiron: /Applications/Eye of the Beholder of the of the Beholder.boxer/C.harddisk/save/eobdata.sav
Gydion: Wrong folder. You need the one under $HOME/Library:
Q: Where can I find my Boxer (DOS) game's save files?To access your saved games, go to Applications -> Terminal
In Terminal, paste, or type in, the following line and press Enter (Return):
open ~/"Library/Application Support/Boxer/Gamebox States"
Find your game's folder. The package containing your save files is located inside.
Gydion: Hi Gydion, seems like you know your stuff...I'm having the same problem locating the GOOD save file on my Mac...I bought the Mac version of the 3 games and am finishing the 1st...I tried to import the party from EOB to EOB 2 but same stuff happens...4 unknown fuckers appear instead of my party...
could you explain the path i have to go trhu to find that folder with my party inside?
I'd be grateful!
UPDATE: I found it! :) It was in LIBRARY (hidden folder) application support - boxer