SaviorTman: Sorry I haven't been responding. I tried what you told me, and it didn't work. I use google chrome.
Step 1
Click the settings button in Chrome. It's in the upper right of the Chrome Browser. It looks like three lines.
Step 2
Click on Settings
Step 3
Scroll down and click on "Show advanced settings..."
Step 4
Scroll down to section: "Downloads"
Step 5
Click box next to text that says "Ask where to save each file before downloading". It will now have a checkmark.
Step 6
Close the Settings tab.
Step 7
Go to your GOG account Library
Step 8
Find Far Cry 2 and click on it.
Step 9
Find text that says:
Windows installer, English (part 1 of 3) 1 MB 2.0.0
Windows installer, English (part 2 of 3) 1.5 GB 2.0.0
Windows installer, English (part 3 of 3) 840 MB 2.0.0
Each line is a link to download part of the installer. Part 1 is the installer program. Part 2 and Part 3 have all the files for the game inside. bin files are like boxes.
Step 10
Click on the first line that says:
Windows installer, English (part 1 of 3) 1 MB 2.0.0
Step 11
Now you can select the directory you want to save the installer in. Find the directory you want to use and click the "Save button".
Step 12
Click on the second download link:
Windows installer, English (part 2 of 3) 1.5 GB 2.0.0
save it to the same directory.
Step 13
Click on the third download link:
Windows installer, English (part 3 of 3) 840 MB 2.0.0
and save it to the same directory.
Step 14
The Far Cry 2 installer files are now saved on your computer. Now, open up your "My Computer" and find the directory where you saved the files.
Step 15
To install the game, click on the file: setup_far_cry2_2.0.0.8.exe
--- You probably can't see the exe text. Each file has an extension. Most are three letters with a period before. They tell you what kind of file they are (examples are: .exe - which are programs, .jpg - which are pictures, etc)
If you want to see file extensions, watch this video that will show you how to make "My Computer" show them for all files: ---
There you go. I've explained everything as completely and thoroughly as possible. If you still have trouble, you're going to need to take a class that teaches basic computer skills.