HiroshiMishima: Okay, can someone clear this up for me..
I bought these games years ago, my first GOG.com purchase waaay back in the site's infancy. Back then, there were no mods pre-included with the installation so when I finally decided to replay the old Fallout games, I did what I did back then: I installed the game, and then went down the list like was on page 1.
This was, of course, before I discovered that the High Resolution Patch installer was
already there. That's when I started to wonder if I was actually screwing up the game instead of following the correct procedures. So basically, what I'm asking is this:
Are the steps on the first page still what is recommended or are they all pre-installed from the get-go. I do not use GOG Galaxy (nor am I likely to) so any advice related to that is neither helpful nor necessary - though the help is still appreciated.
Same thing applies to the sequel. I discovered a readme for sfall but that doesn't tell me if all that stuff has been take care of during the actual installation or if I should still go through the motions like I did years ago.
I think most of the mods have been included in Fallout Fixit. Check out NMA page
http://www.nma-fallout.com/showthread.php?194562-Fallout-1-megamod-Fallout-FIXT-alpha-6-5-Dec-26-2013. Here is an excerpt.
"These are all included with my mod; do NOT download or install them:"
- Official Interplay patches (1.1, 1.2)
- TeamX patches (1.2, 1.21, 1.3.5)
- No Children Fix
- Cathedral Crash Fix (and other fixes by Sduibek for the Cathedral, Military Base and The Glow crashes)
- Nimrod's Dialog Fixes
- FreeSpace variable is set to 0 by default, so you won't have to worry about that crash either.
- Fallout 1 Restoration Mod, version 1.0b1 [Created by Wasteland Ghost. Portions by Mynah, hamster, Wasteland Hellbringer.]
--- Invasions are now entirely optional (including Necropolis), and invasion dates can be customized, anywhere from instant to 4x their default values.
--- Deathclaw status is no longer linked, i.e. killing it on the world map or in the cave does not prevent it from appearing at the other.
- Extended Flamer Attack Mod [Created by .Pixote.]
- Endgame Mod [Created by Corpse]
- TeamX NPCs 3.5
- Sfall ddraw 1.19 (Timeslip & sfall team, + many improvements by Crafty)
- hi-res patch [Created by Mash]
- Weapon Drop Mod [Created by Josan12 and MIB88]
--- Customizable distance values.
- "Nixie Numbers" for GUI
- Two tools that can be run before running FalloutW.exe (not made by me) are included in the [Fallout]\Scrambled Colors Fixes folder, to help with those experiencing color palette issues.