Posted May 05, 2017
setmorale *follower or self* # - follower internal names below
give party *resource* # - Some known resources below. Also gives schematics.
setfaction *faction* # - factions are listed in the Codex
win - ends combat in a victory
flushstack- clears current command. Useful when the game freezes in combat
changeturn - ends the current combat turn
giveitem *character or Party* *item* *tier* *random property yes or blank* - recmnd to give items to the party & blank
imbue *char* *item* *property* - adds special property if item doesn't have one. list below
kill *character*
remove *follower*
return *follower* - opposite of remove
give *char* xp # - gives the character skill points
weather *type* - Clear, Sunny, Rainy, Snowy, Overcast, Thunderstorm, Blizzard
giveallskills *char* - just like it says on the tin. All skills
pimp - finishes homestead upgrade
upgrade - finishes homestead upgrade. Dunno if they do anything different
upgradeall - finishes all upgrades. Seems to pick which upgrade path randomly but I only tried it twice
setpower #
setprosperity #
advancetime # - changes time. -24 will go back 1 day and 48 will go forward 2 days. I haven't tried this
spawn *character* - haven't tried this either
Nefja – Followers/ShieldMaiden
Ketill – Followers/Wolf
Asleifr – Followers/VanquishedFoe
Røskva – Followers/Witch
Gunnarr – Followers/Berserk
Eydis – Followers/Valkyrie
You - Player
Mercs - Mercenary_#
Aife - Followers/TribalHuntress
Morcant - Followers/TravellingMonk
Resources - Herbs, Medicine, Slaves, Valuables, Rope, Wood, Hides, Salvage. Meat, Rations, Grease, maybe others
Item types - axe, bow, daneaxe, knife, spear, sling, sword, shield, talisman, armour (or armor works), helmet, or hat (blank item as far as I can tell)
Item properties - Agile, Lucky, Keen, Robust and maybe others. Can stack with item schematics - AmourOil (+movement), ArmorWebbing (+consumables), HardenedLeather (fireproof), ArmourPadding (poisonproof), or ArmourOintment (health regen). But only one property and one schematic can be added
Most of these are thanks to Virtia on the Steam boards
give party *resource* # - Some known resources below. Also gives schematics.
setfaction *faction* # - factions are listed in the Codex
win - ends combat in a victory
flushstack- clears current command. Useful when the game freezes in combat
changeturn - ends the current combat turn
giveitem *character or Party* *item* *tier* *random property yes or blank* - recmnd to give items to the party & blank
imbue *char* *item* *property* - adds special property if item doesn't have one. list below
kill *character*
remove *follower*
return *follower* - opposite of remove
give *char* xp # - gives the character skill points
weather *type* - Clear, Sunny, Rainy, Snowy, Overcast, Thunderstorm, Blizzard
giveallskills *char* - just like it says on the tin. All skills
pimp - finishes homestead upgrade
upgrade - finishes homestead upgrade. Dunno if they do anything different
upgradeall - finishes all upgrades. Seems to pick which upgrade path randomly but I only tried it twice
setpower #
setprosperity #
advancetime # - changes time. -24 will go back 1 day and 48 will go forward 2 days. I haven't tried this
spawn *character* - haven't tried this either
Nefja – Followers/ShieldMaiden
Ketill – Followers/Wolf
Asleifr – Followers/VanquishedFoe
Røskva – Followers/Witch
Gunnarr – Followers/Berserk
Eydis – Followers/Valkyrie
You - Player
Mercs - Mercenary_#
Aife - Followers/TribalHuntress
Morcant - Followers/TravellingMonk
Resources - Herbs, Medicine, Slaves, Valuables, Rope, Wood, Hides, Salvage. Meat, Rations, Grease, maybe others
Item types - axe, bow, daneaxe, knife, spear, sling, sword, shield, talisman, armour (or armor works), helmet, or hat (blank item as far as I can tell)
Item properties - Agile, Lucky, Keen, Robust and maybe others. Can stack with item schematics - AmourOil (+movement), ArmorWebbing (+consumables), HardenedLeather (fireproof), ArmourPadding (poisonproof), or ArmourOintment (health regen). But only one property and one schematic can be added
Most of these are thanks to Virtia on the Steam boards
Post edited May 05, 2017 by shadysands