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setmorale *follower or self* # - follower internal names below
give party *resource* # - Some known resources below. Also gives schematics.
setfaction *faction* # - factions are listed in the Codex
win - ends combat in a victory
flushstack- clears current command. Useful when the game freezes in combat
changeturn - ends the current combat turn
giveitem *character or Party* *item* *tier* *random property yes or blank* - recmnd to give items to the party & blank
imbue *char* *item* *property* - adds special property if item doesn't have one. list below
kill *character*
remove *follower*
return *follower* - opposite of remove
give *char* xp # - gives the character skill points
weather *type* - Clear, Sunny, Rainy, Snowy, Overcast, Thunderstorm, Blizzard
giveallskills *char* - just like it says on the tin. All skills
pimp - finishes homestead upgrade
upgrade - finishes homestead upgrade. Dunno if they do anything different
upgradeall - finishes all upgrades. Seems to pick which upgrade path randomly but I only tried it twice
setpower #
setprosperity #
advancetime # - changes time. -24 will go back 1 day and 48 will go forward 2 days. I haven't tried this
spawn *character* - haven't tried this either

Nefja – Followers/ShieldMaiden
Ketill – Followers/Wolf
Asleifr – Followers/VanquishedFoe
Røskva – Followers/Witch
Gunnarr – Followers/Berserk
Eydis – Followers/Valkyrie
You - Player
Mercs - Mercenary_#
Aife - Followers/TribalHuntress
Morcant - Followers/TravellingMonk

Resources - Herbs, Medicine, Slaves, Valuables, Rope, Wood, Hides, Salvage. Meat, Rations, Grease, maybe others

Item types - axe, bow, daneaxe, knife, spear, sling, sword, shield, talisman, armour (or armor works), helmet, or hat (blank item as far as I can tell)

Item properties - Agile, Lucky, Keen, Robust and maybe others. Can stack with item schematics - AmourOil (+movement), ArmorWebbing (+consumables), HardenedLeather (fireproof), ArmourPadding (poisonproof), or ArmourOintment (health regen). But only one property and one schematic can be added

Most of these are thanks to Virtia on the Steam boards
Post edited May 05, 2017 by shadysands
Thanks, this will be great to have after my first playthrough :)
shadysands: Nefja – Followers/ShieldMaiden
Ketill – Followers/Wolf
Asleifr – Followers/VanquishedFoe
Røskva – Followers/Witch
Gunnarr – Followers/Berserk
Eydis – Followers/Valkyrie
You - Player
Mercs - Mercenary_#
Anybody know the backend names for Aife and Morcant?
Followers/TravellingMonk and Followers/TribalHuntress I believe

Also, updated the first post.

Thanks for catching those
Post edited May 05, 2017 by shadysands
shadysands: Followers/TravellingMonk and Followers/TribalHuntress I believe
Thank you.
Thanks for the info! I've expanded the item properties list and wrote down examples.

Item tiers are from 1 to 5, but setting a tier won't guarantee max possible statistics within that tier, so you might have to create a few to get the stats you want.


Berserker -> +10% Damage vs Uninjured
Biting -> +10% Critical damage multiplier
Cursed -> Morale -1
Hunter -> +10% Damage vs Beasts
Keen -> +2 critical chance
Lucky -> +1 Morale
Negating -> Cancels all positive effects
Precise -> +5 Armour piercing
Ruthless -> +10% Damage vs Immobilised
Sharp -> +5% Damage
Sovereign -> Attacks cannot be blocked
Sundering -> +10% Damage vs Shields
Surtr -> +10% Damage vs Burning enemies
Swift -> +5% extra attack chance
Raider -> +10% Damage vs Unarmoured humans
Tactician -> +10% Damage vs Flanked enemies
Unbreakable -> Can't be damaged in combat
Unstoppable -> All enemies along attack path take damage (Does not work correctly with the spear, does nothing for ranged weapons and works on the remaining weapons)

Awkward -> -5 Max Accuracy (Bow/Sling specific)
Marksman -> +5% Max Accuracy (Bow/Sling specific)
Seeking -> Night accuracy penalty halved (Bow/Sling specific)

Bolstering -> +5% chance to block
Cursed -> Morale -1
Defender -> +10 Block % when next to an ally
Lucky -> +1 Morale
Steeling -> +5 Physical Resistance
Unbreakable -> Can't be damaged in combat
Vigilant -> +25 to avoid Critical hit

Agile -> +1 movement
Cursed -> Morale -1
Focusing -> +5 Mental Resistance
Lucky -> +1 Morale
Robust -> +5 Melee Damage Resistance
Strengthening -> +10 Hit points
Thick -> +5 Ranged Damage Resistance
Unbreakable -> Can't be damaged in combat
Vigilant -> +25 to avoid Critical hit

ArmourOil -> +1 movement
ArmorWebbing -> +1 consumables slot
HardenedLeather -> fireproof
ArmourPadding -> poisonproof
ArmourOintment -> 5 Health Points regeneration per turn

TALISMANS (thanks to Hickory for finding out!):
Talisman_Odinn -> +1 movement
Talisman_Heimdall -> +25 to avoid critical hit
Talisman_Tyr -> +5 Physical Resistance
Talisman_Freyja -> +5 Mental Resistance
Talisman_Baldr -> +1 Morale
Talisman_Lann -> +5 Ranged DR
Talisman_CelticStone -> +10% Block when next to an ally
Talisman_Sefa -> +5 Ranged DR (Ketill)
Talisman_ChildCharm -> +1 Morale
Talisman_Roskva -> +1 Morale (Roskva)
Talisman_JumpersAmulet -> +25 to avoid critical hit
Talisman_SeahengeFeathers -> +10% Damage vs Beasts
Talisman_Myrddin -> +5 Mental resistance
Talisman_Macha -> N/A
Talisman_UallachFeathers -> +1 Morale
Talisman_BroochMars -> +2% Critical Hit Chance
Talisman_Thorr -> +10 Hit Points
Talisman_Thieves -> 10% damage vs Immobilised
Talisman_Kyre -> +5% extra attack chance
Talisman_Father -> +10% damage vs unarmoured humans
Talisman_SilverCross -> +5 melee damage reduction (Note from Hickory: Silver Cross has no icon)
Talisman_Morcant -> +5 mental resistance (Note from Hickory: This talisman has no icon. Morcant only)

TALISMAN PROPERTIES (they can't be added to any talisman via the console):
Lucky -> +1 Morale
Agile -> +1 movement
Strengthening -> +10 Hit points
Focusing -> +5 Mental Resistance
Hunter -> +10% Damage vs Beasts
Thick -> +5 Ranged Damage Resistance
Defender -> +10 Block % when next to an ally
Ruthless -> +10% Damage vs Immobilised
Swift -> +5% extra attack chance
Steeling -> +5 Physical Resistance
Vigilant -> +25 to avoid Critical hit
Keen -> +2 critical chance
Raider -> +10% Damage vs Unarmoured humans
Robust -> +5 Melee Damage Resistance
Asgardian -> 10% automatic revive chance


Note: It seems some of these operations have to be performed while on strategic map to work.

Adding a weapon:
giveitem party axe 5

This will give your party an axe of tier 5.

Adding property to a blank weapon (First equip the blank weapon to a characters right hand):
imbue Followers/Berserk axe Sharp

This will imbue the axe in Gunnarr's hand with the +5% damage property.
*Note that imbue will work on right hand weapon. Switch weapons accordingly.
**Once imbued you won't be able to change the property again. You'll need a new blank weapon.

For armour you have to add a property and then a schematic.
giveitem party armour 5
imbue Player armour Agile
imbue Player armour AmourOil

This will result in an armour with +2 movement, but only if the armor is red, because everyone knows red goes faster! ;D
Post edited June 02, 2017 by Wolf109
The daughter of king Donncoirce, Finnguala, becomes a fully upgradeable and equipable (but temporary) follower. She even stays in the party roster permanently, albeit marked as 'Absent', once you get her back to Perth, so does anybody know (or can find out) what her backend name is?
Hickory: The daughter of king Donncoirce, Finnguala, becomes a fully upgradeable and equipable (but temporary) follower. She even stays in the party roster permanently, albeit marked as 'Absent', once you get her back to Perth, so does anybody know (or can find out) what her backend name is?
Could it be Finnguala - DalRiata/Finnguala? I don't have a save from there so can't test.
Hickory: The daughter of king Donncoirce, Finnguala, becomes a fully upgradeable and equipable (but temporary) follower. She even stays in the party roster permanently, albeit marked as 'Absent', once you get her back to Perth, so does anybody know (or can find out) what her backend name is?
Wolf109: Could it be Finnguala - DalRiata/Finnguala? I don't have a save from there so can't test.
Well I've tried Followers/Finnguala, Temp/Finnguala, and various others with 'Princess' in place of 'Finnguala' with no luck. Haven't tried 'DalRiata', so I'll keep that in mind. I'm in a new game just on my way to Perth for the first time, so it will be a while before I get to her again. If anybody finds it (or any others) in the meantime please post it in this thread.
Hickory: The daughter of king Donncoirce, Finnguala, becomes a fully upgradeable and equipable (but temporary) follower. She even stays in the party roster permanently, albeit marked as 'Absent', once you get her back to Perth, so does anybody know (or can find out) what her backend name is?
Wolf109: Could it be Finnguala - DalRiata/Finnguala? I don't have a save from there so can't test.
Yep, that's it (setmorale DalRiata/Finnguala XX). Thank you for the suggestion.
Wolf109: I haven't managed to get talismans yet. :( Anyone had any luck with them?
I took that as a challenge, well... sort of. Anyway, I came up with a few (this list is far from complete (probably), and in no particular order):

Post edited May 14, 2017 by Hickory
Hickory: I took that as a challenge, well... sort of. Anyway, I came up with a few (this list is far from complete (probably), and in no particular order):
Many thanks, Hickory! :D Btw, there's two more I know of:
Talisman_BroochMars -> +2% Critical Hit Chance
Talisman_Thorr -> +10 Hit Points
Post edited May 15, 2017 by Wolf109
A couple more talisman's, if you'd like to update your post Wolf?

Talisman_Thieves (10% damage vs Immobilised)
Talisman_Kyre (+5% extra attack chance)

The amulet of Macha doesn't have any property, so is a prime candidate for adding one via console. The actual in-game properties are:

Lucky (Morale boost)
Agile (Extra move point)
Strengthening (Extra hit points)
Focusing (Mental resistance)
Hunter (Damage vs beasts)
Thick (Ranged damage reduction)
Defender (Block when next to ally)
Ruthless (Damage vs Immobilised)
Swift (Extra attack chance)
Steeling (Physical resistance)
Vigilant (Avoid critical hit)
Keen (Critical hit chance)

Talisman_Father (+10% damage vs unarmoured humans) Property: Raider
Talisman_SilverCross (+5 melee damage reduction) Property: Robust

Note: Silver Cross has no icon, so don't know if it's used in-game.
Asgardian (10% automatic revive chance)

Weapon property:
Sovereign (Attacks cannot be blocked)
Post edited May 21, 2017 by Hickory