Truth437: Klei Entertainment should at least support their "existing" released games on GOG. Don't Starve: Hamlet and Mark Of The Ninja Special Edition/Remastered should be on GOG - no ands, ifs, or buts about it. If Klei Entertainment doesn't want to release their newer games Don't Starve Together, Oxygen Not Included, and Griftlands on GOG, than that's fine with me.
I'm guessing Klei wouldn't be fine with their GOG customers downloading the missing content for free on the internet now would they? If they want their customers to treat them well, they should treat their customers well. It's not a one-way street; it's a two-way street.
I believe GOG should seriously consider removing Don't Starve and Mark Of The Ninja from sell if there has been no indication on their side that Klei will comply. If they don't warrant it, then what game does?
You should post this on Klei forum too(link above) :)
Anyway, JoeW(administrator of Klei's) has write that they are trying make Hamlet for GOG, but they have a problems with that and expects help from GOG, that GOG is trying to help them(???) and that, and etc. etc.
But do we should believe them?? I don't know...