BuddyGuard: Sure, i did the same but i cant find the DLC for download in my collection?! Anybody have an idea?
Please help :)
ashwald: How did you do it, if I may ask? I've been trying and failing. As a German, you as well should only be able to buy Original SIn & it's DLC in euros, but the fair price codes are in dollars. With $9.99 you couldn't possibly buy a DLC that costs 9.99 euros.
The DLC costs 9.99$, and those affected negatively by regional price get a voucher as compensation. But at its core, the DLC is still 9.99$. So basically, you *can* buy the DLC with your 9.99$ voucher, you simply won't get the compensation ticket you would get if you bought the DLC in euros. It all balances out. :)
I'm in the Euro zone myself and have done this, and when you stop to think about it, it does make perfect sense that this works this way. I don't think it's a glitch, but a deliberate move on GOG's part. :)