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Lonesome Long way home doesn't give the +1 PSY bonus upon using Speed (Saint-Baptiste 'Preptide!"
Missing punctuation (question mark) after 'door* ' ('door*?" '):

Misplaced punctuation, the comma should be after the closing quotation mark instead:
1) 'agree", he says'
2) 'do", he says.'
3) 'might", he nods.'

Misplaced punctuation, in this case the period should be after the closing quotation mark instead ('affairs". '):

Should be "Or anyone else." (with a capital "O"):

Should be "your badge.":

Missing punctuation (comma) after 'note?" ' ('note?", he asks'):

Should be "In recent weeks." (omitting "the" between "In" and "recent"):

Misplaced punctuation, the comma should be after the closing quotation mark instead:
1) & 2) 'that", he points'
3) 'Well", the lieutenant'

Even when deliberately/explicitly skipping adding vinegar to the soap/detergent to boil the Fairweather T-500 Greaves with, the concluding description still makes it look like as if you did add vinegar ("reek of vinegar") after all, either at the start of or subsequently during the boiling process.
Post edited November 27, 2019 by smlrfrt
Missing punctuation (period):
1) 'might. '
2) 'around. '

Should be '"Samaran Butter" sign ' (with a capital "B"):

Missing opening quotation mark ["] here, should be ' "A communard...':

Again, should be a colon instead of the period whenever time designations are used ("21:00"):

Another instance where the description does not match the actual situation at the current time of day, in this case making it look like as if the strike and the traffic jam are still audibly in full swing. When the area in front of the harbour gate is actually completely quiet and devoid of any protesters by 02:10 in the middle of the night (note the time stamp in the lower right):

Should be "your words,":

Should be either:
"one hell of a time." resp. "One hell of a time,"
or alternatively, "a hell of a time." resp. "A hell of a time,":

Misplaced punctuation, the comma should be after the closing quotation mark instead:
1) 'all", the little guy'
2) 'course", he chuckles'
3) 'lay-dee", a goodhearted'

Misplaced closing asterisk [*], should be immediately after "*no one" and before " 's" instead ("*no one*'s"):

Should be "Mister Evrart" (with a capital "M"):

Should be "Miss Bellows" and "Miss Bellams" (with a capital "M" in all cases):

Misplaced punctuation, the comma should be after the closing quotation mark instead ('Bellows", Leo let's out'):

Wrong punctuation (comma), should be a period to properly finish the sentence instead ('He starts laughing.'):
Post edited November 28, 2019 by smlrfrt
Misplaced closing asterisk [*], should be immediately after "*Edgar" and before " 's" instead ("*Edgar*'s"):

Again, if it could be settled whether to stick with "Mr" or "Mr." (resp. "Ms" or "Ms."), that'd be great.
Adhering to one convention (for example when talking to Easy Leo, see screenshot) and then shortly after using the other, British English one (without the period) again:
"He said Mr Evrart sent you to law school?"
"He said you were in debt to Mr Claire."
"Mr Measurehead has done a good job."
is suboptimal.

When talking to Easy Leo and you're on your own without Kim Kitsuragi in tow he still refers to the player character as "you guys" at one point:

Misplaced punctuation, the comma should be after the closing quotation mark instead ('yes", he replies'):

One variation (far left on the screenshot) of the concluding line to the "I'm looking for the leader of the Dockworkers' Union." dialogue option when talking to Easy Leo - anytime after 22:00 - is missing the addendum about Evrart Claire having already left his office and usually doing so at around 22:00.
Post edited November 29, 2019 by smlrfrt
Should be "Lady Leriche" (with a capital "L"):

Should be "The already familiar..." (adding "The" in front of lowercase "already"):

Missing punctuation (comma) after 'René?" ' ('René?", the lieutenant'):
Post edited November 30, 2019 by smlrfrt
Misplaced punctuation, the comma should be after the closing quotation mark instead:
1) 'today", the lieutenant'
2) 'soldier", he marks'
3) 'are", he says'

Should be plural "dispensers":

Misplaced punctuation, the comma should be after the closing quotation mark in both cases ('Yes", the lieutenant'):
Not sure if the second "New" is actually redundant here ("New New World"), but I'll bring it up, just in case:

Misplaced punctuation, the comma should be after the closing quotation mark instead ('degeneracy", the young woman'):

Missing punctuation (period) after 'REMAINS', should be 'REMAINS." ':

Should be "ITS *PUPA*" (omitting the apostrophe [ ' ] between "IT" and "S"):

Should be "PETULANT" (with "ANT" instead of "ENT"):

Another instance of both "MR." (with period) and the proper "MR" (without period) being used:

Should be "at the button" (adding "the" between "at" and "button"):

Should be "surprised" (with a "r" between "su" and "prised"):

Another instance of the current time of day (in this case past 02:00) being ignored and the corresponding dialogue injections being brought up anyway (as if the lorryman is still there, which of course he isn't by that time):

Should be "red-headed woman" (adding "ed" at the end of "head"):

Missing punctuation (comma) after 'Revachol!" ' ('Revachol!", you hear'):

Should be "WHAT REMAINS" (with a "S" at the end of "REMAIN"):
Post edited December 02, 2019 by smlrfrt
Should be just "must be another way" (omitting the redundant "a way" between "be" and "another"):

Misplaced punctuation, the comma should be after the closing quotation mark instead:
1) 'SEOLITE", the man'
2) 'MEDIOCRITY", he nods,'
3) 'WILL", he answers'

Should be "GOTTWALDIANS" (with a "W" instead of a "V"):

Should be "KÖNIGSTEINERS" (with an "I" so that it's "STEINERS" instead of "STENERS"):

Should be "looks west" (with a lowercase "w"):

Should be "NOT":

Looks like there's something missing after "like" ("a vice" maybe?: "your fist locked in his hand like a vice and"):

Multiple things wrong with this line (from top to bottom):
- should be "CRIMINAL" (with an "I" between "CR" and "MINAL")
- should be "pressure" (omitting the redundant "a" between "pre" and "ssure")
- should be "your" here
- one "hand" should be enough ("broken hand becomes")
- should be "unbearable" (omitting the redundant "v" between "unb" and "earable")

Misplaced punctuation, the period should be after the closing single quotation mark in all instances ("DRUNK'."):

Should be "soft palate" (with an "a" between "p" and "late"):

Misplaced closing asterisk [*] here, should be immediately after "Button" and before the period instead ("Button*."):

May be technically correct as is, but I feel like it should be "Inferno" with a capital "I" in this case:
Post edited December 02, 2019 by smlrfrt
For some reason, the game is giving me only one possible resolution to choose - 1280x720.
I've seen the statement that the devs only really support 16:9 aspect rations and my screen is a 1680x1050 16:10 screen (it's a slightly older, but perfectly fine screen...) , but I'd still expect more options there, say 1600x900 in windowed mode.
I made a bug report already, but in the meantime - any ideas?
ElZoido: For some reason, the game is giving me only one possible resolution to choose - 1280x720.
I've seen the statement that the devs only really support 16:9 aspect rations and my screen is a 1680x1050 16:10 screen (it's a slightly older, but perfectly fine screen...) , but I'd still expect more options there, say 1600x900 in windowed mode.
I made a bug report already, but in the meantime - any ideas?
You could try to manually edit in/brute-force windowed 1600x900.

On Windows navigate to C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\LocalLow\ZAUM Studio\Disco Elysium\Settings, open Settings.json in a text editor of your choice and look for the "GRAPHICS" section, which should be the first thing at the very top.
In the subsections "resolutionWidth" and "resolutionHeigth" replace whatever "intValue" is currently set to with 1600 resp. 900. For 'Windowed Mode' navigate to the "GRAPHICS" subsection "DISPLAY MODE" and replace its "intValue" (default: 0) with 1.
Save the changes, close Settings.json and Disco Elysium should be in windowed 1600x900 the next time it's fired up. Not right away but as soon as it loads into the main menu screen.
Wouldn't it be more efficient, not to mention quite a bit faster to just parse that .txt dump of Disco Elysium's script you linked to here for errors? Probably would still miss quite a few things for lack of ingame-context but catching most, if not all of the typos, bad grammar and related mistakes should certainly be doable.
For someone who's also finished at least one playthrough, of course.
ElZoido: For some reason, the game is giving me only one possible resolution to choose - 1280x720.
I've seen the statement that the devs only really support 16:9 aspect rations and my screen is a 1680x1050 16:10 screen (it's a slightly older, but perfectly fine screen...) , but I'd still expect more options there, say 1600x900 in windowed mode.
I made a bug report already, but in the meantime - any ideas?
mannefriedrich: You could try to manually edit in/brute-force windowed 1600x900.
After some playing around, I think I managed to set it to my native resolution and fullscreen, which makes it use letterboxing and some not-so-nice scaling, but it's at least using more screen space than previously.
Unfortunately I didn't manage to make it run windowed with any other resolution than 1280x720...
mannefriedrich: @smlrfrt
Wouldn't it be more efficient, not to mention quite a bit faster to just parse that .txt dump of Disco Elysium's script you linked to here for errors? Probably would still miss quite a few things for lack of ingame-context but catching most, if not all of the typos, bad grammar and related mistakes should certainly be doable.
For someone who's also finished at least one playthrough, of course.
Funny you bringing this up.
In fact, I actually plan to do just that over the holidays, because why not. Proof-reading the 865589 words-long script of a cRPG or properly reading the Silmarillion, The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings for the umpteenth time, what's the difference? It may not look like it but I did finish Disco Elysium once and a half in the meantime, so that major spoilers wouldn't be an issue either.

Then there's the question of how to best go about offering the finished, corrected and proof-read script to the ZA/UM folks, if they would even accept it or would be able to make use of it, that is. They maybe want to or are already in the process of going over the entire script again themselves, incorporating only what they have received and continue to receive via the bug report form.
Post edited December 04, 2019 by smlrfrt
Misplaced closing asterisk [*], should be immediately after "*he" and before " 's" instead ("*he*'s"):

Missing punctuation (comma) after 'good..." ' ('good...", he greets'):

As apparent from the screenshot collage there's a bug that occurs when you knock out Measurehead at any time after 22:00 (at 02:10 in this case) and, instead of using the unlocked door to get into the harbour right away, call it a day and go to sleep. This somehow causes certain things like Easy Leo's dialogue bit or the environmental descriptions in Evrart Claire's office container to remain in the past 22:00-state, even though it's actually the morning (07:55) of the Day 3.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Knock out Measurehead sometime after 22:00 (or alternatively talk to him about the solved Race Enigma)
2) Either unlock the door to the harbour yourself (Knock out-solution) or let Measurehead unlock the door to the harbour for you (Solved Race Enigma-solution)
3) Do not go through the door and call it a day and go to sleep instead
4) On the next day go through the door and enter the harbour
5) Talk to Easy Leo for the dialogue bit where he points out that Evrart Claire has already left for the day, falsely suggesting that it's already past 22:00 again
6) Enter the office container to find that - as expected for the actual time of day - Evrart Claire is present after all
7) Click on the green 'blip' for the out-of-place environmental description that "The desk has been cleaned out for the night." when in fact the exact opposite is the case
So, the ESC button stops bringing up the Main Menu after playing for some time, maybe 30min or so.
Before that time ESC brings up Main Menu just fine.
After ESC stops bringing up Main Menu, you can still use it to get out of inventory etc. Only the Main Menu seems affected.

2nd issue, game always starts in Windowed mode, annoying, but not a huge issue.