Yunipuma: There is no such a thing as " a pure gaming console" nowadays.
And it's your choice , of course, but I shall not move to Win 10. If I ever will be forced to move, it will be Linux.
loppantorkel: If I only game on it, in what way would it interfer or spy on me?
My English is far from good, so I'll not go in long discussion - do not want you to laugh at my poorly chosen words.
A very least there will be your credit card info in your system (for buying games here on GOG, for example). Yes, it will be not the kind information which can be used to transfer actual money from your account, but using that info Micro$oft can determine your country & your age, so it use that info in their analysis of your favorites goods. The standard "market evaluation" procedure. It's not even illegal anywhere in the world - bit it is done without your consent.
Then there will be data of your contacts in media nets - Facebook & etc which will be used to advertise some products to you - like "recomended videos" on Youtube. The problem with it again - your consent is not even asked.
Yunipuma: unless you are, forgive the sentence, "graphics whore".
Hickory: That was just a cheap shot. Not forgiven. For your information, I am far from it.
Ok, whatever you decide.
Hickory: The reality remains: new AAA products will NOT support Win 7. Fact.
so we go again - you are OK with a corporation imposing THEIR rules on you.
Cyberpunk is here.
Fact :)