Posted June 12, 2019
Will this game be a console first, lazy PC port last?
By "console first, lazy PC port last" I mean one or many of the following questions:
Will I require several NVLink GeForce RTX 3080/4080 Ti to barely reach 30 FPS at 1080p before all of them melting down?
Will my PC game be intentionally dumbed down, or software-capped in order to keep it from being superior to the consoles version?
Will the game be played for me, instead of by me (i.e. auto-aiming, "press F to pay respects" quicktime events...)
Will I be able to aim just with the mouse with no input lag and no drag-down effect (i.e. like in Max Payne 1 and 2 which are real PC games, UNLIKE Max Payne 3 which is a badly tossed console port)?
Will I have to stick to a wall/cover for healing or recovering proper vision?
Will it be almost unplayable without a gamepad?
Will I have to spend hours trying to set the controlls for a keyboard+mouse instead of a gamepad?
Will I have to "press X to start game" after a long unskippable cinematic intro?
Will I be able to use the scroll up/down mouse slider?
Will the menus and fonts be unnecessarily big, utterly humongous, designed to be seen from a couch meters away from a 115" TV with horrible colours?
Will I be able to save the game whenever I want to, or just in some pre-designed checkpoints, because the developers know better than me when and where I should save the game?
Will I be constantly reminded I shouldn't power off my PC while the game is being saved?
Will I be able to save as many games as I want to, and not a fixed amount like 8 slots which I can't name? Or even saving more than one game?
Will I have to manually raise the pre-set FOV from 70 to something not inducing seizure/nausea/just plain annoyingness?
Will I be constantly shamed in-game for not playing this game co-op mode with dudebros, in a couch while drinking one too many cheap beers and doing "Did you see that ludicrous display last night?" remarks on the last Nineteenth Century/Early Twenty Century sports match?
I can put up with a "good" PC port (i.e. GTA V, Watch Dogs) but I can't with a bad one (i.e. Max Payne 3, Saint Row 2 with no Gentlemen of the Club mod)
Witcher 2 had QTE's in it that could be turned off in the options menu if you wanted, Witcher 1/3 did not have any kind of QTE but they were dialogue and cutscene heavy
Witcher 3 didn't seem to have any sort of input lag when it came to mouse movement, but it was a third person hack and slash so it's not something that is really important to begin with for that sort of game compared to a FPS
Can't confirm this as of yet but last year i did see the main character take a inhaler hit to heal themselves and they said you could heal up from drinking stuff like sodas and etc, dk if taking cover will regen HP or anything like that as of yet
Can't confirm this either but i felt like The Witcher series was perfectly fine with a mouse and keyboard, although some disagree and prefer a controller. It was 100% preference in that case since it was third person hack and slash
Can't confirm this either since we don't know the PC controls
Witcher 3 allowed you to skip all the company and intro cinematics if you wished and i'm sure it'll be the same case here
Can't confirm since we don't know the controls yet
Also can't confirm since we haven't seen most of the UI, but in The Witcher 3 there was 2 options with one meant for monitors (which shrinked the hud) and one for TV's (which made it very huge)
Witcher 3 allowed you to quick save in almost every situation as long as you weren't directly in combat, i'm sure it'll be the same here
Probably in one of the intro or dev cinematics that'll probably be skippable
Witcher 3 on PC allowed you to have as many save games as you wish, i have almost a gig worth of save games for The Witcher 3 with over 500+ saved games, probably the same for Cyberpunk
Can't say atm, worst case we'll have to mod it
There will be no coop or MP mode on launch, SP only until long after release
We will probably see more info closer to launch about these sort of things.
You get no benefits from pre-ordering the game right now anyways unless you want to buy merch.
CDPR has even said that if you don't feel comfortable about it atm, don't do it unless you want to support them
Post edited June 12, 2019 by DarklordGriffen