JAD2012: Arroyo? Definitively around that area, but the road leading to Kerry's mansion also has these bumps on the tight corners going up hill.
If you're really interested in comparing the same road before 2.0, I got a 1.6 install alongside 2.0, and 2.1. With a 1.6 save to use with it.
So if you can get a screenshot of the exact map location in 2.1, I can check the same location in 1.6.
JAD2012: They keep pushing content updates instead of fixing performance and bugs like these lmao
That sounds like League of Legends - 13 years since release, a multi-Billion small indie company, and they can't code worth a damn, Even after all this time, parallelization is still not a thing in that game - on my i9 10-core, I usually got 1 core pegged at 100 %, giving me random lagspikes, while the other 9 cores are taking a snooze. >-<