InfiniteClouds: Because modders are determined folks who love gaming and are have developed proficiency at coding. CPDR developer hirees are not selected based on their proficiency in programming but other factors that are far less important or entirely irrelevant.
FTSO: Any Studio that develops his engine, tools, and do game development have the knowledge to do any modder work, this not fair, reduce the entire company as this "amateur" level.
Modders are amazing indeed, but they are free of CEO, studio director, crazy changes, bad schedules, that flood such enviroments.
Actually, when things start to go big, is when creativity and risks start to be butchered by the owners, we see this on basically the entire Triple A industry.
Yes the butchering of Core mechanics and play to diversify their customer base pisses me off so much, Mostly good games need sequels and updated visuals tighter and more robust core mechanics and play, Instead for the last 18 + years we get watered down political drivel with substituted gameplay nonsensical additions 3rd party officially approved sodomy of titles.
I only load up steam now to check who's on I've not use EA or Blizzard or those others in years I've got thousands of games quiet literally and most of them have been ruined by the greed or the stupidity of their respective company heads, So no more purchasing on those platforms if a title Appears I like Maybe it ends up on a Linux box some how without DRM.