VisualBlack: Their rage is kind of funny. Mocking the fanbase (even though some of us who aren't fans already liking this game) is funny too. I really had a good laugh but they really want CDPR to go down like it's the last building they going to tear down because they felt like their lives are being ruined over those bugs.
I'm glad I'm not like those thrashers with contumacy behavior who constanly discredit this game when it's about to be fixed. I'm very patient on what CDPR is going to do to regain their reputation and their trust back for the community who has problems with their game and I really do believe them that they will do...
it's very easy to see by the majority of the comments that most of those raging about the game are just idiots that expected everything we knew about gaming and game engines to just magically evolve to some totally new state with Cyberpunk 2077.
almost every complaint i see is the exact same issues large open world games have always had, especially this near to release.
plus all of those that watched certain edited videos and once again thought that this game was going to be some super-immersive realistic CGI movie that you could play like an RPG game. fooled the same way they always have been by studio produced trailers and "early release" video. now are complaining that even though it has some of the best graphics and detail a game has ever used, that "
all of those years of videos were just lying to us this time". even though this happens with every highly promoted\anticipated game.
of course then those are also crying that their mediocre system can't handle the game and they should get a refund since they can't play it on ultra.
just finished my first ~100hr playthrough finishing every gig and every visible map marker except rides for sale that was available.
having just finished Kingdom Come: Deliverance before starting this, i can honestly say that they are the only two large games out there yet with such amazing detail at such amazing draw distances also with such awesome detailed NPCs and other models.
and both this and Kingdom Come get near to the same FPS at the same level of detail settings so it's very clearly not any particular game engine or developer's "fault". it just takes more power than most gamers have at their disposal to run either of them at very good settings.
the few glitches and "bugs" i had were all easily solved by restarting the game or reloading a save. and i've had those same types of clipping and\or gameplay action issues with almost every single large open RPG game i've ever played on PC over the last 20+ years;
every Elder Scrolls game, every Dark Souls, every Divinity since the original, both of The Surge, every Shadowrun, every Diablo, every Fallout...
dealing with these minor issues has always been easy and always been outweighed by all of the other more positive aspects of PC gaming. mods fixing issues where developers do not, downloading edited config files, manually editing multiple files. that's just how the PC gaming community works.
i think way too many ignorant consolites came over to PC just to play this game and a large part of the negativity surrounding Cyberpunk 2077 stems from them having not been able to judge what type of power it was going to take to actually run the game decently and how to handle game issues themselves.