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I am on a mission with Panam, and am taking down all the guards at this place very meticulously non-lethal using takedown from behind and hitting R for non-lethal takedown, then taking their bodies FAR AWAY where there is no enemy and no line of sight, and the enemies do not leave their compound so there is no possible way they can find the body or know that they were taken down.

Then after some time, there is an alert "Dead body found, guards alerted" and everyone in the place goes on instant "we know you're there, come out little girl" mode. There's no possible way they even know I'm there let alone that my character is a girl as I have not been seen and was even in a hidden area for like 3 minutes before the alert and guards talking to me.

So annoying, totally takes the immersion out of the game for me, creeping around in stealth and then some random guard just magically knows you're there even though you're 50m away from the closest guard, completely hidden and not even moving.

It turns a fun experience of playing a stealth mission into "who cares, I'm just going to go guns blazing and kill everyone by one shotting them Rambo-style to get this over with.

Not only can the guards see through walls/rocks, they can see all the way around the planet to where you are.
skeletonbow: ...
I had similar issues, you have to "dispose" of the body (i.e. put it in a fridge / box, container, etc... ) simply moving it out of sight is not enough from time to time guards will "magically" detect it.
skeletonbow: ...
Gersen: I had similar issues, you have to "dispose" of the body (i.e. put it in a fridge / box, container, etc... ) simply moving it out of sight is not enough from time to time guards will "magically" detect it.
The problem with that though, is if you take someone out with a non-lethal takedown, if you dispose of them in a fridge or freezer they are registered as dead rather than as unconscious. Presumably the coldness of the fridge/freezer kills them instantly or whatever. I'm not sure about the dumpsters but that could potentially be an option.

Even if that works however, I register my grave disappointment that enemies can see through rocks hundreds of meters away to "discover" someone you knocked out and dragged there to hide them, because you didn't stick to some unrealistic notion that you HAVE to dispose of them in a predefined location. Immersion breaking scripted chores. Lame.
Cheating NPC's is nothing new in gaming, looks like Cyberpunk has them also.

At least it's running on your PC, it didn't run on mine until patch 1.06.

And now every time I do the mission to get the Robodog the games crashes about 30 sec after I enter the garage entrance.

Consider yourself lucky that you can play the game, I will have to wait until more patches are out.
chatnick: Cheating NPC's is nothing new in gaming, looks like Cyberpunk has them also.

At least it's running on your PC, it didn't run on mine until patch 1.06.

And now every time I do the mission to get the Robodog the games crashes about 30 sec after I enter the garage entrance.

Consider yourself lucky that you can play the game, I will have to wait until more patches are out.
One thing that is actually surprising from everything I've heard from others out there, is that I've been playing this game now for one month straight every single day for hours and hours and I've only encountered 2 crashes.

1) The game crashed due to out of memory, which was caused due to me overriding the Windows default dynamic swap file size which was fine for a couple of years but was too small for the game plus all the other programs I had loaded at the time causing memory exhaustion. So it wasn't a bug or problem with the game, but system configuration inadequacy at my own fault. Since corrected by increasing swap size significantly to ensure that wont happen again.

2) Game crashed yesterday and analyzing the crash dump shows that it crashed in the nvidia driver so it appears to be a video driver related bug rather than a bug in the game.

With all the crashes I've heard others having I'm surprised I haven't encountered more myself, nor that were actually caused by the game. One possibility could be that every time I see the game starting to really screw up, such as a bunch of T-posing or other graphical screwups etc., I often save, exit, restart which refreshes the game state and likely reduces the likelihood of a crash.

Knock on wood! :)
skeletonbow: One thing that is actually surprising from everything I've heard from others out there, is that I've been playing this game now for one month straight every single day for hours and hours and I've only encountered 2 crashes.

1) The game crashed due to out of memory, which was caused due to me overriding the Windows default dynamic swap file size which was fine for a couple of years but was too small for the game plus all the other programs I had loaded at the time causing memory exhaustion. So it wasn't a bug or problem with the game, but system configuration inadequacy at my own fault. Since corrected by increasing swap size significantly to ensure that wont happen again.

2) Game crashed yesterday and analyzing the crash dump shows that it crashed in the nvidia driver so it appears to be a video driver related bug rather than a bug in the game.

With all the crashes I've heard others having I'm surprised I haven't encountered more myself, nor that were actually caused by the game. One possibility could be that every time I see the game starting to really screw up, such as a bunch of T-posing or other graphical screwups etc., I often save, exit, restart which refreshes the game state and likely reduces the likelihood of a crash.

Knock on wood! :)
Same here, I have over 100 hours in the game and I have also had 2 crashes, both times were because I alt+tabbed out of the game for a hours and when I got back it crashed, other than that it has been running smooth, stable fps rate and all.

My guess is for many people the crashing might be related to overclocking, shitton of programs running in the background, hardware that does not fit well together (different types of memory modules, speed and/or size).

But you never know there might be something else for many also!
I also prefer to play stealthy and had this happen many times. (Bodies being detected even when there was no way a guard could have seen one. Once it even happend when I had not taken down anyone yet. :-))
My solution so far is to save often during stealth missions. Luckily you can save as much as you want when you are not in combat.
On my second playthrough I tried stealth on other missions than in the first one with better results. I assume that some of the maps/areas are buggy when it comes to line of sight.
A pain-in-the-ass bug indeed.
For me this ruined stealth. Seemingly some people made stealth runs work, but for me bodies are magically spotted, so i can never stealth a run.
Stealth is still possible, but you have to luck out a bit with legendary reboot optics, in my experience.

And some times they just get alerted by nothing, they just switch from normal state to alerted state. I have experienced them all going into combat mode a few times without anyone being able to see me. And of course there is the hilarious "body has been detected" thing when all enemies are down and nobody is around to detect anything or be alerted by anything.

But generally, if you want to do a stealth mission then hack everybody blind rather than relying on stealth takedowns.
Maybe it is realism?

If I'm a guard, and I know that there is another guard on the outpost next to me, and suddenly I do not see that other guy for some time longer than his usual cigar break, then sure like hell that I will be alerted!

Mabe the devs have just failed to prepare that specific translation string, so they decided to quickly re-use that message about dead body? ;)
Arsen7: Maybe it is realism?

If I'm a guard, and I know that there is another guard on the outpost next to me, and suddenly I do not see that other guy for some time longer than his usual cigar break, then sure like hell that I will be alerted!

Mabe the devs have just failed to prepare that specific translation string, so they decided to quickly re-use that message about dead body? ;)
Then how does that explain NPCs going on alert when there's no chance for them to see anything that WOULD put them on alert? I've seen enemies go on alert for no reason whatsoever, even when no one has been taken out yet and I'm trying to figure out how to deal with any of them.
Arachnarok_Rider: Stealth is still possible, but you have to luck out a bit with legendary reboot optics, in my experience.

And some times they just get alerted by nothing, they just switch from normal state to alerted state. I have experienced them all going into combat mode a few times without anyone being able to see me. And of course there is the hilarious "body has been detected" thing when all enemies are down and nobody is around to detect anything or be alerted by anything.

But generally, if you want to do a stealth mission then hack everybody blind rather than relying on stealth takedowns.
My character is so ultra powerful now that my stealth mission is basically kick in the front door and just kill everyone by thinking they are dead. That's the short version anyway, the longer version is using CONTAGION, DROP GRENADE, CYBERPSYCHOSIS, SYNAPSE BURST, SHOCK. I have the entire quickhack tree maxed out and a lot of breach also, so most of my hacks spread to close enemies. The damage dealt usually one-shots multiple enemies. I just repeat again if they need another dose. Smart rifle and smart sniper rifle take care of what's left etc.

So if a mission doesn't require anyone live I just basically walk in like a borg and kill everyone in seconds. They usually don't even get their hand on the handle of their gun before the entire group is dead now.

One thing that is massive fun, is when upset about game bugs - to walk into an enemy region known to have a lot of gangsters etc. and methodically go from alley to alley, hideout, base, whatever, and just kick in the door Rambo/Charles Bronson style and go ape on them with hacks and slow-mo, cranking off a few finisher rounds here and there, then walking around afterward and cleaning up by giving everyone laying on the ground a nice blast to the face with the MOX shotgun. Thanks Judy, best gun ever.

Deeply satisfying. STEALTH THIS! :)
Arsen7: Maybe it is realism?

If I'm a guard, and I know that there is another guard on the outpost next to me, and suddenly I do not see that other guy for some time longer than his usual cigar break, then sure like hell that I will be alerted!

Mabe the devs have just failed to prepare that specific translation string, so they decided to quickly re-use that message about dead body? ;)
It is definitely not realism, that's a copout for a buggy game at best. :) Far Cry (the first one) was a game that had AI that could detect dangers to the group and then alert the group through radio or alarms etc. This is not that at all. They can literally just see through solid steel walls sometimes when there is no way they should be able to. This works in reverse too though, insofar as you too can sometimes see right through walls or doors, not visibly but your scanner optics can occasionally see through solid objects and run hacks on them sometimes. Again, just game bugs that are definitely not intentional.

You can sneak up to a property jump on a roof of an adjacent building all without being detected at all, and from a long long way away in complete darkness that nobody could ever know you are there, scan a security camera and take it over, then switch from camera to camera into the deep bowels of a building, do SYSTEM RESET on one guard with nobody around at all, then disconnect from the camera and now you're just laying low on a rooftop 100 meters away and nobody knows you are there or ever were there currently. Then 2 minutes later a guard strolls into the room 3 floors below ground where you knocked someone out and the game says "Dead body found, guards alerted" when you used SYSTEM RESET which is a NON-LETHAL takedown meaning that the person is absolutely not dead at all (different bug IMHO). If we excuse that inconsistency, now all of a sudden every guard in the entire building all instantly goes on alert like you are in the room with them, guns drawn ready to shoot and they all not only instantly know that there is an "intruder" but some of them will start saying things like "come out little girl! Come out come out wherever you are! We know you are there!"

Oh really, I never entered the property, you had no idea I am on a rooftop 100m away, and suddenly just because you found an unconscious body you magically know that I personally knocked them unconscious and that my character is female? How exactly do you know this?

<suspension of disbelief>

Very unrealistic. And that's when they do actually find the body. But when I knock someone out who is hidden somewhere that they absolutely positively can not see, after N minutes the person will get magically found like the game has a clock running giving you time to hide bodies you off or take down, and if you don't do it within this time it is programmed to just magically detect it and inform all of the guards that an intruder is present and tell them your gender.

That whole dynamic feels so 2003 era to me that it kills some of the immersion for me. One could write it off in a dozen ways but no amount of writing it off changes it and makes it fun or believable.

The game might not handle this the way that I personally want it to, and that's fine, but I don't have to like this dynamic either. What I want, is that if I take someone down, no matter how I take them down, the dead or incapacitated enemy is unknown to all of the other enemies until the end of time, unless one of those enemies actually walks up physically and sees the downed comrade first hand. Now, if a game like this had a mechanic where guards must radio in to "check" every N minutes and one guard does not radio in, that would then trigger a security protocol to have one or more of the other guards now go out to inspect why Roger is not responding to his check-in. Not to automatically assume Roger is dead or that there is an intruder and know their gender and start verbally taunting them. That's just dumb. No, a team woulld go out and try to find Roger, and if Roger is not at his post, then kick in the "guard is not at his post" security protocol... whatever that is.

And that's in say... a military compound or where trained security guards are or something. Naturally a street gang would not have security protocols that are formalized and they would handle things differently likely. This would further add personality to the game and differentiate the enemies.

I dunno, maybe I expect too much from an $80 game anticipated for 8 years in 2020? Am I the only one disappointed by the way this stuff works in the game?

Sometimes I go to extensive means to be a total ghost, to be completely invisible. Climbing on skyscrapers and making death defying leaps 15 stories off the ground between buildings, sneaking in and doing James Bond type stuff....then all this immersion is ruined by some bad game logic that just magically knows I am there and knows my character's gender. Like wut. Meh.
Possible minor spoiler-----

is the wraiths camp quest?