ValhallasAshes: Wow the default settings on this game are a little high and really blurry. First thing I noticed, RTX on and full. But I left it on to test. Get to character creator and the model is really blurry. Instantly I know it's probably because of DLSS. So I go and sure enough, it's on. Disable it and try again. Much better. Get in game and performance isn't great. Pretty choppy even though frames are playable. I'm not really bothered about RTX so I go and disable it.
Started as Corpo but for some weird reason, the trees outside the building are visible inside the building through the walls. Clearly a bug, but the bug doesn't appear with RTX enabled. So I tried turning top RTX back on, but disable all of the sub settings underneath (effectively disabling it). Problem goes away and framerate is solid. Happy camper... almost.
The game is still really blurry even with DLSS disabled. (And yes, I did test film grain, but that only introduces minute amounts of additional blur. Barely even noticeable) So I go looking around using patterns I know from other games and realize why it's so blurry. This game looks exactly like other games I've when you use the TAA+FXAA setting. I've always liked TAA, but FXAA has a bad tendency to introduce too much blur to everything. FXAA is bad enough with blur on it's own, but it's even worse when it's tacked on top of TAA. So as a rule, I generally only pick one or the other, but never both. I use FXAA only in extreme situations where I need every bit of performance I can get where using FXAA is at least better than nothing (in games where TAA is too demanding). But I prefer TAA on it's own because for me, I'd much prefer to deal with "a little" jagginess but with everything else crystal clear, rather than no jaggies at all, but everything be blurry.
This is also why I never use DLSS, because I hate the overly blurry images it produces which defeats the purpose of the high resolution monitor I bought. I mean seriously, what's the point of buying I high resolution 1440p or 4K display if you're just going to turn it into a 1080p quality image again by introducing so much blur just to try to hide any inkling of a jaggy.
So I went back into the options to try to change the AA setting.... but I can't find it. I've checked both the Video and Graphics sections thoroughly. It has every other setting under the sun, but nothing for changing your AA setting. Yet in game I can clearly see this game is using AA heavily. Too heavily. Does anyone know where or how I can change this setting from. I don't care if it's config file, I just want to change the AA to a more realistic settings.
AND CDPR, seriously? Come on guys. Add a setting to the graphics configuration page to allow us to change this setting in game. I bought this for PC. I don't want to play this game with console level blur. It doesn't look good. Which is a shame for a game that otherwise, I could tell would be gorgeous if you just allowed it to be.
EDIT: For the record, I'm playing this on a 2080Ti.