Posted December 25, 2020

But the game isn't great.

Now, I can wish it had more to the hacking, and more to the crowds' reactions (really any sort of more realistic reactions on that end would be a huge improvement)- but it's still better then what most games that are called AAA and hailed by the gaming community.
Many call CoD great- I think it's pure trash.
so i think, objectively, cyberpunk isnt that great gameplaywise. im not talking about the story or atmosphere or anything (that is really good) but it has absolutely no innovation in regards to game mechanics
im not a hater, i think cyberpunk receives a lot of "hyped up hate" cause its cool right now to hate on cyberpunk
but there are many many good reasons to write it off as a.. (lets not look at bugs and performance 1 minute) well produced generic game
this alone would not be bad, i guess it would still be praised
like that trash game cod, which many, rightfully enjoy even so it is objectively shit (from a gamer perspective)
but the problem is the announcement that they made, giving each street a name even if its not mentioned in game, groundbreaking, never seen before immersion but then you end up with the same shit like any other game in the past years. minimap that holds your hand, floating questmarker in your fov, because in the end it is not that immersive or new or unique, its just the usual trash as always, make a map, put some quests and... making the dialogues and places recognizable? having npcs actually tell you waht to do and where? too much effort, just put a questmarker everywhere so they dont get lost
then they said.. choices matter, you could exchange with your friend how your story went because it will BE SOOOO DIFFERENT.. i guess you see where i am going