Posted November 16, 2020

Yet somehow we feel that if we pander to these people and call it "inclusion" it makes for a better world. Look around you and tell me thats the case. They dont care. They just want to complain for the sake of it. Look at the mess that was Kingdom come deliverance. They actually complained about representation in a historically accurate game about Europe in the middle ages. I mean seriously?
This is about free speech this is not about hate speech which doesn't exist. by protecting these people all you are doing is enabling their illness you are treating the symptoms not the cause. it doesn't help that you have these half baked lunatic millenials on Twitter deciding the rules for everyone without consulting them.

Yes, the attack helicopter thing is fun, but it really isn't an accurate description of the situation, and you'd realise as much if you bothered studying the issue instead of following some illiterate fools on Twitter and accepting their verdict on gender dysphoria. And further, you keep confusing sex and gender. Like it or not, they don't mean the same thing anymore.
You're right that complaints about representation in Kingdom Come: Deliverance was nonsense, but is that particularly relevant to anything? And of course hate speech does exist, because the law says so. This is no different from a myriad of other abstract concepts invented by humans over the years.
Lastly, like was said a bunch of times, free speech means the government can't prevent you from expressing your ideas. But obviously you're still not allowed to hurt people, you're still not allowed to violate NDAs and such, and you don't get to insist that other people's property must be made available for your use in communicating your ideas. Look into the difference between positive and negative rights.
There is no such thing as moral ambiguity or non binary. These things dont exist. Binary means one or the other it cannot be neither and it cannot be both. DNA has proven this a thousand times over. Science is not based on feelings its based on facts. I'd like to see them try the same thing with gravity. Would they try to tell us gravity doesnt exist by jumping off a cliff? i doubt it.
I am perfectly allowed to hate something or someone. it is not a crime. I hate sprouts and I hate people who talk in movie theatres. I am also allowed to hate peoples lifestyle choices such as thinking they can magically change sexes and being gay. What I am not allowed to do is commit violence upon these people or burn their houses down. but I am perfectly entitled to call them out for their nonsense. You are perfectly entitled not to listen.
What you DO NOT have the right to do is censor my speech because it does not conform to your standards. You have the right to ignore it and walk away but you cannot censor it. It's my opinion AND ITS ILLEGAL to censor it under the EU CONSTITUTION. The internet is nobody's property Its part of the public domain. This means ANYONE can access it. What CDPR and companies are trying to do is trick people into thinking they are not breaking the law. THEY ARE. You cannot tell someone they cannot have an opinion that differs from yours or they will be censored.
Its like this. Its not illegal to take drugs. Class A, B whatever. its perfectly legal. Its ILLEGAL to posses them. its the same with Article 10. It is not illegal to hate a group of people it is illegal to call for a violent act upon that group.
if someone has always felt like the opposite sex there is nothing I can do about that. However, they try and use public opinion and social media and the law to force me to agree with their way of life. They actually tried to pass a law that said it was illegal to refuse to refer to someone by their chosen pronoun. you know what we call that? Communism.
Post edited November 16, 2020 by Jimbo_G