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Kitsu289: Transparency should of been there with the issues. I'm loving Cyberpunk myself, but that's because my experience has been very positive and not many bugs. To those that have been having bad experiences because they expected something else, they should get the product they want. It doesn't feel as polished as it should of been at release, at least to me. It's the consumer's money after all, so they should be able to get a refund or not.
wayke: It's a rushed release for sure, I've got 92hrs in and still wandering the streets finding something different, I've got 16hrs in MK9 and it was pretty much the same game over and over and over and over after the first 2 hours I've tried to like the Mortal Kombat games but Warner Bros and their lack of support for their develops and their forced injection of Advertisements which was a 12gb patch that removed game elements and such nobody got behind that or supported that.

All the other companies out there are doing far worse and people eat it up because all those companies have shills and forum mods that ban anyone that brings a negative light to their products, CDPR acting like they don't need to defend them selves because they believe they did no wrong except that these Streamers and other shills for the other mega corps are incentivising them to do so.
Your telling me. Can you believe all of these FING IDIOTS? The only company that gives DRM FREE games, Literally no third party thing optional, and they are going to drive it into the ground. It wouldn't suprise me if these morons Would actually *VOTE* for in game advertisement commercials. CDProject may have had a rough start due to their investors probably wanting the game sold for CHRISTMAS instead of a more bug free version, but they didn't run away, abandon us or anything. Where are these people coming from? Steam toxic community? or is Micro$osft or Tencent paying these people to show their ass to drive GoG into the ground so they can buy them out? It sure seems like this. There wasn't this much BS when the other games failed.

IF you guys just wait a bit, CDproject Red will be the next Hello Games and create a Massive world game. Otherwise you might as well, give up all your money to Adveterisement Commercial games, that let you have to buy the game, then pay to skip commercials, and pay for everything you can do in the game, New outfit, real money, Want to travel to the new area, real money. Etc.
wayke: It's a rushed release for sure, I've got 92hrs in and still wandering the streets finding something different, I've got 16hrs in MK9 and it was pretty much the same game over and over and over and over after the first 2 hours I've tried to like the Mortal Kombat games but Warner Bros and their lack of support for their develops and their forced injection of Advertisements which was a 12gb patch that removed game elements and such nobody got behind that or supported that.

All the other companies out there are doing far worse and people eat it up because all those companies have shills and forum mods that ban anyone that brings a negative light to their products, CDPR acting like they don't need to defend them selves because they believe they did no wrong except that these Streamers and other shills for the other mega corps are incentivising them to do so.
Whereaminow25: Your telling me. Can you believe all of these FING IDIOTS? The only company that gives DRM FREE games, Literally no third party thing optional, and they are going to drive it into the ground. It wouldn't suprise me if these morons Would actually *VOTE* for in game advertisement commercials. CDProject may have had a rough start due to their investors probably wanting the game sold for CHRISTMAS instead of a more bug free version, but they didn't run away, abandon us or anything. Where are these people coming from? Steam toxic community? or is Micro$osft or Tencent paying these people to show their ass to drive GoG into the ground so they can buy them out? It sure seems like this. There wasn't this much BS when the other games failed.

IF you guys just wait a bit, CDproject Red will be the next Hello Games and create a Massive world game. Otherwise you might as well, give up all your money to Adveterisement Commercial games, that let you have to buy the game, then pay to skip commercials, and pay for everything you can do in the game, New outfit, real money, Want to travel to the new area, real money. Etc.
I wasn't denied. Got my refund today. Just wanted you to know.
harlekein: No one gives a damn what you think buddy.

I got my refund and am off to buy a better game.

I'll revisit C77 in a year or two when the bugs are fixed, there's some decent mods and the additional content is released. And it will be half price.

Go simp some more.
The OP might have overstated his point but we actually give less of a damn what you think since you already got your refund... yet here you still are.

What's keeping you?
I'm having fun in the game but there are a lot of bugs. I won't be getting a refund but I understand if people choose to do so.

The game is not what was advertised. Bad to broken gameplay mechanics. Broken exploits to become extremely OP. Barely any choices in the game actually matter. On top of that the game is very buggy to straight up unplayable on some rigs and platforms.
Licking the CDPR boot is one thing OP, but deepthroating it is another matter entirely.
high rated
A wise person wouldn't pre order a game, nor would they buy into the hype peddled by marketing departments whose only job is to sell you something no matter what state it's in.

A wise person would wait for reviews before investing their hard earned cash into something.

To all those people crying about the state of this game I suggest you wise up or you are in for a life filled with disapointment.

... just saying .
LizardBz2: A wise person wouldn't pre order a game, nor would they buy into the hype peddled by marketing departments whose only job is to sell you something no matter what state it's in.

A wise person would wait for reviews before investing their hard earned cash into something.

To all those people crying about the state of this game I suggest you wise up or you are in for a life filled with disapointment.

... just saying .
I understand you being all smug and sneering upon those who eagerly paid upfront for this game, but feeling the need to life lecture those whose only crime was to get excited for a game from a ‘trusted’ developer who promised the Earth, well, perhaps isn’t exactly the most reasonable way to go about discourse on this.
LizardBz2: A wise person wouldn't pre order a game, nor would they buy into the hype peddled by marketing departments whose only job is to sell you something no matter what state it's in.

A wise person would wait for reviews before investing their hard earned cash into something.

To all those people crying about the state of this game I suggest you wise up or you are in for a life filled with disapointment.

... just saying .
Even so the reviewers are also paid to shill now the levels that those bigger Companies / Corporations go to securing sales is disgusting and yes I hope they all shed their mortal coil.
This isn't about feelings it's about facts.

This world doesn't owe you a damn thing, this is a hard lesson to learn but the sooner you do the happier you'll be.

LizardBz2: A wise person wouldn't pre order a game, nor would they buy into the hype peddled by marketing departments whose only job is to sell you something no matter what state it's in.

A wise person would wait for reviews before investing their hard earned cash into something.

To all those people crying about the state of this game I suggest you wise up or you are in for a life filled with disapointment.

... just saying .
wayke: Even so the reviewers are also paid to shill now the levels that those bigger Companies / Corporations go to securing sales is disgusting and yes I hope they all shed their mortal coil.
It depends on where you go for your reviews really, the mainstream games media is corrupt as all hell but there are plenty of reviewers on places like youtube that are more trustworthy.
Post edited January 03, 2021 by LizardBz2
LizardBz2: This isn't about feelings it's about facts.

This world doesn't owe you a damn thing, this is a hard lesson to learn but the sooner you do the happier you'll be.
I’d say when people pay £50 for a product on the expectation of what the developer themselves promised to deliver, they are indeed ‘owed some damned thing’.
LizardBz2: This isn't about feelings it's about facts.

This world doesn't owe you a damn thing, this is a hard lesson to learn but the sooner you do the happier you'll be.
Omarios: I’d say when people pay £50 for a product on the expectation of what the developer themselves promised to deliver, they are indeed ‘owed some damned thing’.
No that's just what you want, but we don't always get what we want.

That's why it pays to be a bit cautious before throwing your £50 at someone, conmen prey on people's trust so it pays not to be too trusting.
LizardBz2: This isn't about feelings it's about facts.

This world doesn't owe you a damn thing, this is a hard lesson to learn but the sooner you do the happier you'll be.

wayke: Even so the reviewers are also paid to shill now the levels that those bigger Companies / Corporations go to securing sales is disgusting and yes I hope they all shed their mortal coil.
LizardBz2: It depends on where you go for your reviews really, the mainstream games media is corrupt as all hell but there are plenty of reviewers on places like youtube that are more trustworthy.
Even Reviewers on YT are getting kickbacks as their mostly trust by time and they're protected by their brainwashed audience.

It's all on the same cards as those Streamers who are godly at every game they pick up and what do they do subtly advertise overpriced products the entire time "Yeah It must be this new chair I got " "You know I think it's these headphones I literally heard him across the map", Yes they cheat to appear godly and its a in house cheat they're sponsored to generate revenue they all have shill mods etc and absurd fans for some reason they're generally very loud and wear absurd items, Real players say very little and are focusing there's no way you can know some guy is on a hill some where behind you something behind you whilst talking to viewers.

Omarios: I’d say when people pay £50 for a product on the expectation of what the developer themselves promised to deliver, they are indeed ‘owed some damned thing’.
LizardBz2: No that's just what you want, but we don't always get what we want.

That's why it pays to be a bit cautious before throwing your £50 at someone, conmen prey on people's trust so it pays not to be too trusting.
No, paying money for a product as advertised and expecting said product is not ‘what I want’, it’s the defining principle of the trade descriptions act.

Companies always have and always will shaft customers pre-order, sure - but you laying blame at customers rather than the company’s door says more about you than it does the shafted punters.
LizardBz2: This isn't about feelings it's about facts.

This world doesn't owe you a damn thing, this is a hard lesson to learn but the sooner you do the happier you'll be.

It depends on where you go for your reviews really, the mainstream games media is corrupt as all hell but there are plenty of reviewers on places like youtube that are more trustworthy.
wayke: Even Reviewers on YT are getting kickbacks as their mostly trust by time and they're protected by their brainwashed audience.

It's all on the same cards as those Streamers who are godly at every game they pick up and what do they do subtly advertise overpriced products the entire time "Yeah It must be this new chair I got " "You know I think it's these headphones I literally heard him across the map", Yes they cheat to appear godly and its a in house cheat they're sponsored to generate revenue they all have shill mods etc and absurd fans for some reason they're generally very loud and wear absurd items, Real players say very little and are focusing there's no way you can know some guy is on a hill some where behind you something behind you whilst talking to viewers.

Well you do have to be a bit discerning, all I can say is that there are youtubers whose opinions roughly align with mine and I generally trust what they have to say and that I haven't been let down yet.

I mean it's not as if they were all singing CP2077's praises, there are plenty of youtubers who called CDPR out over the state of the game, so they can't all be shills.
LizardBz2: No that's just what you want, but we don't always get what we want.

That's why it pays to be a bit cautious before throwing your £50 at someone, conmen prey on people's trust so it pays not to be too trusting.
Omarios: No, paying money for a product as advertised and expecting said product is not ‘what I want’, it’s the defining principle of the trade descriptions act.

Companies always have and always will shaft customers pre-order, sure - but you laying blame at customers rather than the company’s door says more about you than it does the shafted punters.
I'm not blaming anyone I'm just saying it pays to be smart with your money it's up to you if you choose to or not.

Seems to me that you are just trying to defend your bad decisions , I guess when things go wrong it's always someone elses fault though.
Post edited January 03, 2021 by LizardBz2
LizardBz2: I'm not blaming anyone I'm just saying it pays to be smart with your money it's up to you if you choose to or not.

Seems to me that you are just trying to defend your bad decisions , I guess when things go wrong it's always someone elses fault though.
Where’s the ‘bad decision’ here? Pre-ordering a game from a publisher of previously good standing, based on directly advertised and promised features?

By your logic, no-one would ever invest in property developments, finance start-up companies, purchase houses from perspective plots or underwrite certain business loans - all types of transaction based on assurances and promises from the sellers and vendors. What was that you were saying about ‘being naive on how the world works’?

It would be great if we could live completely free of financial risk in life in our bedrooms, with all food safely sent down through the basement hatch, but it isn’t so - and taking financial risk does not absolve a fraudulent company of responsibility to deliver.

If CDPR were some random, indie, fly-by-night developer then yes, you could argue ‘bad decision’. But that STILL wouldn’t change the entitlement to a refund for an unsatisfactory product - the topic of this thread.