Oldgamer85: Greetings, I've been thinking about building a new gaming rig this year and want to know what to get so i can play this game at 4K\60FPS with everything maxed out.
One of the reasons I think it's a good time to get this ball rolling is due to GPU prices returning back to what they should be.
Anyhow I've been eyeballing a 3070 Ti for my GPU and a Ryzen based CPU setup.
Would be nice to see some recommendations!
I looked into this question because I actually have a 4K display myself, and the fact is if you want *everything* maxed out in Cyberpunk 2077 at 4K resolution, get ready to pay a lot of money for a computer. And I think you can't
even get a consistent 60 FPS doing that even if you do pay through the nose.
With the caveat that when we say everything maxed out, that means you are using the maximum amount of ray tracing (I think the setting here is called "psycho" or something.. not ultra?)
Anyway, I saw some benchmarks that indicated the highest minimum frame rates you could get with even an RTX 4090 was like ~30 FPS. I don't recall what DLSS setting was used, but I would bet they probably wouldn't use any more than "quality" for this measurement.
I've heard a lot of people argue the game actually looks worse at 4K with DLSS on performance or ultra-performance and ray tracing activated than it does without any DLSS or ray tracing turned on. That is to say, too much DLSS makes a bigger negative impact on visuals than whatever benefits you get from ray tracing.
The CPU doesn't really matter much as long as it's not too old. What matters is your GPU... and it would be hard to overspend on the GPU if you are really committed to playing at 4K with max settings (including ray tracing) at 60 FPS in Cyberpunk 2077.
On the other hand, if you want "ultra" settings at 4K without ray tracing... that's much more easily achievable in an affordable way.