jm: I swear, sometimes I wonder if I'm the only person who genuinely enjoyed Blood 2, warts and all. Sure it didn't live up to the hype (the devs kind of went full Molyneux with their predictions, if I recall the PC Gamer preview correctly), but once I settled down from the disappointment, and looked at the game for its own merits, then I actually had a real blast!
johncrystal00: Dude, I made a mod for Blood 2. You know I love the game. We're definitely in the same boat. But you got to admit, it wasn't as polished as the first game.
What mod did you make, and could I play it?
I've been on a serious Blood kick recently, just beat Blood 1 and 2, and when I finished the second one I went to beat the Post Mortem episode in the first one and the Cryptic Passages (amazing maps in that episode). So now I'm back to Blood 2 playing the extremely little variety custom campaign maps that have been made for it.
@JM, you're not alone, Blood 2 really left a spot in my heart when I played it, and always will.