mad_crease: I have still refused to add this to my list of games. I have watched videos, read every post here about the game and am completely unimpressed and really, hugely disappointed.
Why is it games moving in real time, in a 3D space with collisions, targeting, location damage with incredible graphics work on GPU/CPU combos of a less beafy nature? This game, though not based on my own game play, seems like one they were trying to learn how to program on. We as consumers and gamers continue to support shoddy, 2nd rate developers. We feel we have no option. In fact, We do. We just need to NOT purchase from these same developers - regardless of what company they call them self tomorrow - until they start giving us completed and playable games. I love the mechwarrior/Battletech universe, I also work hard for the money i spend on my entertainment. If i produced this outcome at my job, i would be terminated. Go buy a cell phone that only works 35% of the time. Go to a movie where it stops playing every 20 minutes for 5 minutes. You would not settle for it. They made a lot of money on everyone who purchased an unfinished and unpolished product. Its the wave of almost all games because we not only allow them to do it, we pay them to do it.
These games where we back a pipe dream based on our hopes and hyped up by their bogus claims needs to stop. You want quality games? Stop giving them money until they produce something worth the money you intend on spending.
Well good thing they released a completed and playable game.
Also your examples are ridiculous. You are comparing hardware to software. It is improbable for any developer/publisher to make a game that will work on 100% of the PCs with zero problems. You are talking about an infinite amount of different configurations of hardware and software. Hardware can work at near 100% certainty because they make all the same model the same way, using the same parts, using the same OS version on it.
This is a quality game and I am glad I gave them my money for it.
mad_crease: I refer to long delays in cut scenes, the cut scenes them self and the text dialog. I have read complaints about controls and the action not working as expected.
As for not reaching the expectation of Crescent hawk!! Are you serious? a decade and a half of OTHER games that can be robbed of their genius code as well as about 4 generations in technology advancements. You expect me to believe this is all they could come up with at a PRIME cost of $40? They even had an overly abundant of funding well beyond what they required for the kickstart. They knew the quality of the game. they knew the pitfalls. They knew very well the game controls, waits, and game flow. The story line is even quite ridiculous, at least as i understand it.
There is over 3 decades of background material for this game. The one portrayed is what middle school kids would devise as a background. It has no depth, substance or connectivity.
If you have more information, point me in the direction to read or see it. As of now, this is my assessment based on what i have gleaned, read, watched or listened to.
Never seen any delays in cutscenes nor text dialog, so have no idea what you are talking about there. What complaints about the controls/Actions? The controls is using the Mouse and WASD, and they all work perfectly and the actions work as they should.
You have not played the game, and the fact is the game has massive depth to it, far more than I have ever seen of any Battle tech universe game. Strong tactics, challenging maps, lots of depth to running a mercenary company, heavy consequences for failure.
Honestly, you sound like someone who concentrated on the negative reviews only, which is never a good thing to do.