TwoHandedSword: **There's a way to get one free CH point in Tarant. Hint: it involves a missing painting and a fortune teller's request. Spoilers if you want 'em; otherwise, have fun solving the two interconnected quests.
Jonesy89: Please feel free.
First, head to the Garringsburg residence (#8 on the map YnK so thoughtfully linked to). After agreeing to find the painting, head down the the fortune teller south of the whorehouse (#43).
She will offer to give you a clue to the robbers, if only you'll deliver a (cursed) crystal ball to her rival across town (#25). Accept the quest and bring the ball to her rival, but DO NOT RETURN TO GET THE CLUE.
Instead (if you're male) head to the gentleman's club on the north side of town (#13). [If you're female, they'll tell you you can't go in; make a side trip to the owner's house near the train station (#29) and persuade him to issue you a pass, using either your charm, your sword or your body. You may even be able to pick his pocket for it.]
Once inside, accept a quest from the shady-looking gentlemen in the corner to deliver a note across town. The note will tell you where to head next, so you can either 1) read it and forego the delivery, 2) save the game, read and memorize it, reload the game, and deliver it as if nothing happened, or [my favorite] 3) deliver it and get paid, then kill everyone and take back the note.
Go to the address on the note; persuade, subdue or kill the half-ogre guard and recover the painting. Deliver it to Mrs. Garringsburg and receive your reward.
Then and only then, go back to the first fortune teller. Since she can't provide you useful information anymore, she "makes up for it" by giving you a gypsy blessing instead: the blessing is a permanent +1 to your CH score.
And now you know.