Posted October 01, 2012
low rated
Damn I HATE the wasd setup Who the Fuck uses wasd nowadays who thought it was like the best Idea, Idiots.
I use::
Move Forwards = Right Mouse Button
Move Backwards = d
strafe left = s
strafe Right = f
lean left = w
lean right = e
Duck = a
grenade or secondary fire = g
reload = r
Melee attack = c
Torch/night vision = q
Action button / Use inventory Item = Caps Lock
Sneak or run = Left Shift
Use item in game world = Middle Mouse button
scroll wheel up = next weapon / item
scroll wheel down =Previous weapon / Item
Primary Fire = left mouse button
spacebar = jump
This is the most awesome configuration for First Person Perspective games and Most other games feels just right and has minimal movements of *BOTH* hands.
I use::
Move Forwards = Right Mouse Button
Move Backwards = d
strafe left = s
strafe Right = f
lean left = w
lean right = e
Duck = a
grenade or secondary fire = g
reload = r
Melee attack = c
Torch/night vision = q
Action button / Use inventory Item = Caps Lock
Sneak or run = Left Shift
Use item in game world = Middle Mouse button
scroll wheel up = next weapon / item
scroll wheel down =Previous weapon / Item
Primary Fire = left mouse button
spacebar = jump
This is the most awesome configuration for First Person Perspective games and Most other games feels just right and has minimal movements of *BOTH* hands.
Post edited October 01, 2012 by fr33kSh0w2012