Posted November 28, 2016

Old User
Registered: Jul 2011
From United Kingdom

Basement Dweller
Registered: Dec 2008
From United States
Posted November 28, 2016
Okay, so I can install all the custom content, but the custom resources doesn't say "Lord of the Rings" in the setup pull down. Hmm.
Also, I wonder if this messes stuff up for the main game? I'm sure I can look all this up over in Heaven games somewhere.
Btw, are we allowed to play the first few turns of the campaign to see what the heck we're getting into. (I'm on turn 3 of the Dwarves. Wow. This is an unusual map / set up / everything.)
Okay, the custom content means I can't load a saved game using non-custom content.
(Or that I screwed it up which is quite possible.)
Wonder if I need to uninstall a bunch of stuff now.
I definitely vote against a map that requires so much modification of the base game. I guess I could install the game a second time in different location or something though. What a pain...
Also, I wonder if this messes stuff up for the main game? I'm sure I can look all this up over in Heaven games somewhere.
Btw, are we allowed to play the first few turns of the campaign to see what the heck we're getting into. (I'm on turn 3 of the Dwarves. Wow. This is an unusual map / set up / everything.)
Okay, the custom content means I can't load a saved game using non-custom content.
(Or that I screwed it up which is quite possible.)
Wonder if I need to uninstall a bunch of stuff now.
I definitely vote against a map that requires so much modification of the base game. I guess I could install the game a second time in different location or something though. What a pain...
Post edited November 28, 2016 by Mimo

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted November 28, 2016

Also, I wonder if this messes stuff up for the main game? I'm sure I can look all this up over in Heaven games somewhere.
Btw, are we allowed to play the first few turns of the campaign to see what the heck we're getting into. (I'm on turn 3 of the Dwarves. Wow. This is an unusual map / set up / everything.)
Okay, the custom content means I can't load a saved game using non-custom content.
(Or that I screwed it up which is quite possible.)
Wonder if I need to uninstall a bunch of stuff now.
I definitely vote against a map that requires so much modification of the base game. I guess I could install the game a second time in different location or something though. What a pain...
Man, that sucks. That's sure no go in that case, IMO.
One would need to copy the game elsewhere and I am fairly sure Wrapper wouldn't even be able to handle that.

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted November 28, 2016
So uh, I guess I'm out for LotR.

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted November 28, 2016
Then there is Fight for Light which is meant to be 4v1 co-op game. We played it with mimo as the strong 1 against 3 of us and got our asses kicked decisively.
But it could be also played as Humans vs AI.
This is supposed to be 4v1AI co-op map. It's young compared to others, seems to have few issues and is siad to be quite hard, especially at the beginning so I don't know, but it doesn't look bad.
Then there is Blutmond that I thought we played but search turns up nothing. Apparently quite hard as well but designed as co-op too.
More possibly later. I don't have strength to look through them anymore right now. :-)
But it could be also played as Humans vs AI.
This is supposed to be 4v1AI co-op map. It's young compared to others, seems to have few issues and is siad to be quite hard, especially at the beginning so I don't know, but it doesn't look bad.
Then there is Blutmond that I thought we played but search turns up nothing. Apparently quite hard as well but designed as co-op too.
More possibly later. I don't have strength to look through them anymore right now. :-)

Basement Dweller
Registered: Dec 2008
From United States
Posted November 28, 2016
I've tried Blutmond as the Dwarves and did very well. Tried twice as the Humans and could never do anything useful. I'll sneak a peek at some maps this week when I should be working instead.
I'm also okay playing a less than perfect map. :)
Vitek: This is supposed to be 4v1AI co-op map. It's young compared to others, seems to have few issues and is siad to be quite hard, especially at the beginning so I don't know, but it doesn't look bad. This looks interesting. I have it downloaded, but don't know if we ever tried playing it. I like this quote "That said I also have to admit that despite many hours I spend trying to balance the map, it wont be equally difficult to play for all four wizards (my obersavtion was it's easiest for Ironymus, followed ba Shang Sel, Peligrond and then Virion; however players with a different playing style may disagree with that)."
I'm also okay playing a less than perfect map. :)

Post edited November 28, 2016 by Mimo

Old User
Registered: Jul 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted November 28, 2016

Has someone suggested Athendore II yet? I think that could be a good one.
Post edited November 28, 2016 by southern

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted November 28, 2016
You guys seem to have a good handle on picking something. I'll lurk and say things like "yeah, that sounds good to me."

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted November 28, 2016
I linked it together with the LotR map.
Later I noticed it got some worse reviews so I abcked away a bit from it.
But some people there mention that you need to work together to be able to suceed. While others say you have to be extermly patient and expert to play it. So I dunno.
Take a look at some of those we linked too and tell us which one sound fun and manageable to you.
Later I noticed it got some worse reviews so I abcked away a bit from it.
But some people there mention that you need to work together to be able to suceed. While others say you have to be extermly patient and expert to play it. So I dunno.
Take a look at some of those we linked too and tell us which one sound fun and manageable to you.

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted November 28, 2016
I'm inclined to skip Athendore, at least right now.
Vitek: Then there is Fight for Light which is meant to be 4v1 co-op game. We played it with mimo as the strong 1 against 3 of us and got our asses kicked decisively.
But it could be also played as Humans vs AI. I'd be up for 4vAI on this. I'd probably be taking Halflings or Elves. This is perhaps my favorite of the ones presented here.
Vitek: This is supposed to be 4v1AI co-op map. It's young compared to others, seems to have few issues and is siad to be quite hard, especially at the beginning so I don't know, but it doesn't look bad. I'm up for trying this.
Vitek: Then there is Blutmond that I thought we played but search turns up nothing. Apparently quite hard as well but designed as co-op too. I'm up for trying this.

But it could be also played as Humans vs AI.

Old User
Registered: Jul 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted November 28, 2016
I vote for Closing The Rupture, modified to make the first ten turns more reasonable.

Basement Dweller
Registered: Dec 2008
From United States

Old User
Registered: Jul 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted November 28, 2016
Okay, so which do people want?
- Shadow Demon Life Wizard Virion
- Ironymous Fire-Earth Wizard, Undead but with possible Dwarven subjects
- Shang Sel, Frostling Fire Wizard
- Peligrond, Elven Death Wizard
- Shadow Demon Life Wizard Virion
- Ironymous Fire-Earth Wizard, Undead but with possible Dwarven subjects
- Shang Sel, Frostling Fire Wizard
- Peligrond, Elven Death Wizard

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States