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Undead, Day 9

We defeat another Azrac force, of 9, with 1 casualty.

We used a very nice formation - a double-row of archers behind, with a gapped row of melee in front.
Elves, Day 9

The Frostlings march down from their northern tundra into the patient aim of elven bows

Undead, Day 11

While our main army marches into the Azrac desert, our King awaits more archers.

OOC: Restart is because I forgot you can't enchant weapon for archers in this game... but you can still cast it on them in combat to no effect, which confused me so much I died to a Demon.
Undead, Day 13

We build a road into the lands of the Azrac, and see the ruined Elf town(s) they ransacked.
Cults and keepers, Day 14

Our army in the desert took several losses to the arcane excoriation of an Azrac Fire Altar.

Nonetheless, it sent a Bone Ram forward to take a tower and see the Azrac heartland. And who should we find but the Azrac leader himself, with but a middle-sized entourage? The scorched remnant of our southern army seized the chance and slew him. The Azracs are leaderless, but now also enraged. It is likely they will destroy the southern army and swarm north to us.
Day 15(?)

Amateur mistake costs us our leader. Without him, we cannot go on. We are defeated!


Good game guys, sorry I was fighting a tactical and underestimated the danger of four Frostling wolf riders! You won't see me restarting a turn again so good game. I liked the map lots of potential for big battles later on. I was close enough to defeating the Orc leader I had him boxed off in the north.

If there are other games going drop me an email :)
Our starting location is so annoying, the lizards swim over to visit regularly (razed one of our tier 3 towns last turn and captured a tier 2 town) yet we have no way of returning the favor.

CrazySlyHawk: You won't see me restarting a turn again so good game.
If there are other games going drop me an email :)
Dammit. Not only do I not get to see you play through this game, I also get my cheating ways shown up in comparison.... (still haven't killed that Demon though)
Will be sure to bear you in mind for future games, i don't recall - are you in any others currently?

Day 15, Undead

We mow down more azrac rabble, but some get through and kill more of our archers. The few survivors retreat north.
Post edited June 02, 2018 by southern