Posted April 09, 2014

GOG Café Admin
Registered: May 2011
From Netherlands

Registered: Apr 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted April 09, 2014
reading this forum is making me kinda sad..
considering all anyone who logically proves each other wrong
gets insulted by purpl because he's 'superior' to us all and cannot be wrong.
online account to play MP does not count as DRm
online account to access single-player+MP and your internet drops for a second you get kicked off = DRM
same with starforce oh you have a disk rewriter, i won't launch your game sorry no problem. = DRM
limited installs = DRM
AOW 3 does not have any of this, hell the only DRM that my version of the game has is steam because I own AOW3 on steam
the account system allows me to play with the lovely people who own it on that is the only reason they used an online account to ensure the entire community can play togethor not be separated by the service with which they purchased the game.
considering all anyone who logically proves each other wrong
gets insulted by purpl because he's 'superior' to us all and cannot be wrong.
online account to play MP does not count as DRm
online account to access single-player+MP and your internet drops for a second you get kicked off = DRM
same with starforce oh you have a disk rewriter, i won't launch your game sorry no problem. = DRM
limited installs = DRM
AOW 3 does not have any of this, hell the only DRM that my version of the game has is steam because I own AOW3 on steam
the account system allows me to play with the lovely people who own it on that is the only reason they used an online account to ensure the entire community can play togethor not be separated by the service with which they purchased the game.
Post edited April 09, 2014 by deadpool223

Registered: Jan 2012
From Vatican City
Posted April 09, 2014

considering all anyone who logically proves each other wrong
gets insulted by purpl because he's 'superior' to us all and cannot be wrong.
online account to play MP does not count as DRm
online account to access single-player+MP and your internet drops for a second you get kicked off = DRM
same with starforce oh you have a disk rewriter, i won't launch your game sorry no problem. = DRM
limited installs = DRM
AOW 3 does not have any of this, hell the only DRM that my version of the game has is steam because I own AOW3 on steam
the account system allows me to play with the lovely people who own it on that is the only reason they used an online account to ensure the entire community can play togethor not be separated by the service with which they purchased the game.
Well, i don't like to insult people, is just a fact. I just let you know that you are misinformed or stupid (like BKGaming, that guy is... damn... :)) ). Anyway, i don't expect from you or anybody else to accept or to understand that as long as you can not understand and accept the fact that ANY form of control access to copyrighted material is DRM, like requiring a serial number to use the copyrighted material that you own or having to give my consent to let them spy on my PC every time i want to play a online game (or LAN :D) by authenticating on their servers. This is a ethics problem and also a privacy problem but the biggest problem is that the game was intentionally crippled just to restrict the usage of the same game copy by multiple users (that is DRM) by not adding features like LAN, direct TCP/IP, over email (the developer has told us that the data required to be send over email from a use to another is too large. Lets be honest, it can not be larger than the size of a save file. That was another lie). Is that easy to understand all that, you really have to be stupid to just keep blabbering about how non-DRM this game is.
I want to note again that online multiplayer is NOT a service. World of WarCraft is ONLY online multiplayer and is a game, not a service. But lets presume (just to prove how fucked up peoples can be), that online multiplayer is "a service", than why does this games doesn't have a multiplayer mode that it is not "a service", like LAN or direct TCP/IP, if only online multiplayer is "a service" and the multiplayer that is not online is actually the game (ROFL, BKGaming, tell me more :))))) ). Is it because their DRM requires you to authenticate to their server and if the game would've had those modes (modes, not services) DRM would've been useless?
Plain logic doesn't do too much good here but, anyway, people have voted, this game has DRM:
Post edited April 09, 2014 by EPurpl3

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Registered: Apr 2009
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Posted April 09, 2014
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Singleplayer is DRM-free, yes, but GOG has promoted itself as 100% DRM-Free, not 50% DRM-free. So people here are perfectly entitled to challenge GOG's credentials, especially given their willingness to compromise on regional pricing to get AoW3 here.
If multiplayer is included in the game description, then it is a feature which consumers have as much legal entitlement to as single player. Your attempt to single it out as a "service" is both artificial and irrational.
Post edited April 09, 2014 by AstralWanderer

GOG Café Admin
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Posted April 09, 2014

And here's the thing -- I don't give a shit about matchmaking or high scores. Those things are just cover for the DRM. They are something to fool naive individuals into believing "the networked multiplayer had to use Triumph's servers". They are there to be the scapegoat when people point out that when Triumph's servers are down or unreachable the game's networked multiplayer feature won't work. They are a trivial pretext for keeping everyone's ability to play networked multiplayer under Triumph's thumb -- right where they need it so they can impose DRM. I already alluded to these being pretexts in my original post when I talked of using the publisher's servers for doing addition -- that was the most "obviously a pretext" thing I could think of.
And are you now saying that tracking high scores is a "BKGaming Approved Service"? So it's OK if every single game adds such a service (and if a game doesn't currently have a concept of "score" it can just add that), and then it can say in order to play you'll need a key and authenticate with the publisher's servers in order to get to the "high score service", and if our servers are down or don't like you then you can't play (because we can't record your score or tell you the highest scores), and that's not DRM at all -- BKGaming says so? And that goes for single player as well because high score is a single-player-applicable service.
You know before you buy a game that if they are not offering LAN/ or direct connection then they are offing you a service for however long they provide it. Do you buy MMO's knowing before hand that use a companies servers and are offing you a service that can terminate at any time then complain afterwards?

And why can't single player be a service? In fact, I'm pretty sure it's already been done.
Perhaps I should have clarified, when you buy a digital good or physical good (a disk or files on a hard-drive) you get a license to said good. There is no service involved for the single player of that good other than the storefront where you bought said good.
Clound gaming is a service... that you knowingly buy into, your are correct about that. Nothing is stored and everything is streamed with a service like Onlive. Like Netflix they are free to terminate service at anytime. So yes there are times when Single Player can be included in a service or have services intergrated... however we are not talking about cloud gaming... we are talking about a physical digital files that are stored on my PC and don't need anything other than my PC to function.
Rather if cloud computing is DRM is another matter.

So was their score/solution sharing system a "service" or not? It sure seems like a service to me. But since you would then (according to your own "if service, not DRM" logic) have to say it's OK for them to end/deny such service, and by doing so break people's single player gaming. You would then be contradicting yourself when you say things like "If single player phoned home or required a key then this would be DRM."

Second, needing a network and needing Triumph's servers to be up, reachable and cooperative are two very different things. Networked multiplayer needs a network of some sort -- obviously. In most cases where the amount of network traffic (i.e., number of players * traffic/player) can be handled by a single box, networked multiplayer does not need a publisher's servers -- unless of course the publisher artificially programs that requirement in.

This lets please agree to disagree... I really have no want to continue this discussion.
Post edited April 10, 2014 by user deleted

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Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted April 09, 2014
Until they shutdown the multiplayer server, or when they have server downtime, or until they otherwise decide to remove your access.
You are not entitled to the last word, just stop replying to him when you are done. (You don't have to reply to this message either).
You are not entitled to the last word, just stop replying to him when you are done. (You don't have to reply to this message either).
Post edited April 09, 2014 by torham
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Posted April 09, 2014
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Noadays many games can't be played without running one or more of those "services" , SP and MP alike and it's part of the business conditions that they can stop providing this service at any time...or anytime after date X.
According to the pure word of the law you're right...because i still own the license..but in practice and according to the sense of the law i own nothing because i can't use it without the service needed.
Furthermore otherwise limited licenses (or is the plural license too?) are quiet common too, like timelimited licenses for MMO's, Security Sofware,...

You said it should be deliverd in good order and if they're broken they should fix the issue the first time i report it, otherwise i can do with my car what i wish and here's the your example i can use the additional service...but if i don't use it or they stop providing still can use my car and do with it wathever i wish.
But to use it as a analogy for PC-games...your example is inadequate...i have to use the service if i wan't to use my car and if they stop providing the service i can't use my car anymore...therefor i used the analogy car+electronical locked engine.

At some point you wich terms we would accept AoW3 being DRM-free.
Option a.
AoW3 SP+at least one real MP-Mode(Several people can play simultaneously) without any need to use
a "service" or more optional "service"modes with control&observation+rewards like Highscorelist
Option b.
Different a pure and cheaper SP-Edition, a (maybe more expensive) LAN-Edition that can be installed at up X-PC's at one time to play LAN,...

If i had the's very presumably that i would have created a Thriumph-Account because several of my friends that love games like AoW too live in different countrys and we barly manage to meet twice a year.
We probaby would use the service to play via internet...but there's no choice...that's what DRM is about...taking you the chance to decide..forcing you...well and thats it...if they offer AoW SP+MP as combined content at Gog, the Site for DRMfree games, i expect a game that has a SP and a real MP-Option that can be played without being forced to use one of that services.
Understand me right...i knew that several other games at Gog have restrictions for Online-MP but all i own myself have at least TCP/IP and/or LAN as a DRM-free Option and this way it really feels like an service, i can decide if i wan't to use that additional service, trading some of my freedom for luxury, i did it for several games (selling a part of my soul for bread&games:)..the impoartant point is...i decide.
Maybe it's because I have been both a console and PC gamer for since the 90's that I can understand that companies don't have to provide LAN and other features. On PC I agree LAN /Direct connection is common but it's not DRM to not have that...

Singleplayer is DRM-free, yes, but GOG has promoted itself as 100% DRM-Free, not 50% DRM-free. So people here are perfectly entitled to challenge GOG's credentials, especially given their willingness to compromise on regional pricing to get AoW3 here.
No you don't, this is why it pays to read Terms of Service... your entitled to it as long as it's provided, and until someone challenges this in a court of law that is how it will be.
Post edited April 09, 2014 by user deleted

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Registered: Apr 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted April 09, 2014
No it hasn't and AoW1 and AoW2 are examples of this. They don't require an account and they don't require a Triumph-maintained server (which is only likely to be affordable from AoW sales for the next couple of years). If you really have been into PC gaming since the 90s, then you should be well aware of other examples too (Doom, Quake, Unreal Tournament, CivNet, Mechwarrior, Command and Conquer, Masters of Orion, Dominions, Space Empires) which can still be used, though in some cases requiring IPX emulators like Kali.
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Posted April 09, 2014
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Post edited April 09, 2014 by user deleted

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Registered: Apr 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted April 09, 2014

CD-keys are not in themselves DRM if they aren't subject to remote validation (many games only check keys locally against a known blacklist of warez keys) and given that NWN has been quoted as an example, its keys don't qualify as DRM since it is possible (and indeed now necessary) to connect via alternative servers as detailed in the Discontinued Gamespy support sticky.
Post edited April 09, 2014 by AstralWanderer
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Posted April 09, 2014
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CD-keys are not in themselves DRM if they aren't subject to remote validation (many games only check keys locally against a known blacklist of warez keys) and given that NWN has been quoted as an example, it's keys don't qualify as DRM since it is possible (and indeed now necessary) to connect via alternative servers as detailed in the Discontinued Gamespy support sticky.
Post edited April 09, 2014 by user deleted

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Registered: Apr 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted April 09, 2014
Eh? What Steam, etc do is verify your account with an online server. What AoW3 multiplayer does is verify your account with an online server. So the restriction/control mechanism is as near-as-darn-it identical from the consumer perspective - only the effects of failure (server down, etc) are more limited for AoW3.
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Posted April 09, 2014
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AOW3 (GOG version) does not have any of that at all. Trying to claim a server has DRM when you not even entitled to it goes it against what DRM actually is. DRM restricts and controls the digital software to prevent piracy, the GOG version of AOW3 does not do this. Not having access to a server for multiplayer doesn't control or restrict the actual digital software at all. You just don't have access to feature.

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Registered: Apr 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted April 09, 2014

PS: DRM isn't simply "piracy prevention" (especially since software pirates are the least likely to be affected by it) - it is more about maximising income from those who purchase software by ensuring they pay higher prices (by creating artifical scarcity), limiting usage (region locking) and forcing repurchase.