Release: Ghostrunner 2 – Ice Pack and Ghostrunner 2 Season Pass
The highly anticipated hardcore FPP slasher set one year after the events of Ghostrunner arrived not so long ago. Incredible katana combat mechanics, a deeper exploration of the world beyond Dharma Tower, nonlinear levels with complex motorbike sections, exciting new modes, more interactive boss fights… Ghostrunner 2 has it all!Now though, get ready for something new – Ghostrunner 2 – Ice Pack DLC and Ghostrunner 2 Season Pass are now available on GOG! Ghostrunner 2 – Ice Pack DLC will bring you access to Design IC3 Motorcycle Skin, Ice Tarantula Sword and Hand Skin, Black Widow Sword and Hand Skin and Web Cutter Sword and Hand Skin. Ghostrunner 2 Season Pass, on the other hand, introduces all of the items listed in the Ice Pack DLC, and additionally 3 other cosmetic packs and 1 unforgettable game mode.Time to become The Ultimate Cyber Ninja and slash your way through the brilliantly designed world!
Release: Neverwinter Nights: Doom of Icewind Dale
(31)Release: Lysfanga: The Time Shift Warrior with Soundtrack
(9)Coming soon: Scott Whiskers: the Search for the Golden Cat with DEMO
(3)Release: Line Time
(2)Release: Songs of Silence: Lighteaters DLC
(5)Release: Cabernet
免费 9.99
Ghostrunner 2
Ghostrunner 2即将推出开发中