Check out these coming soon titles from TinyBuild Games!

If you enjoy creations from TinyBuild Games, this news will be right for you – because two of their titles are coming soon on GOG!
Punch Club 2: Iron Fist
For those who got captivated by the base game, this incredible DLC will introduce a new storyline, league, skills, and tech tree. You’ll manage the workshop and train your robot to lead it to victory and the title of true robot league champion. Learn the secrets of the Secret Robo Society, find out what the AI is really up to, and save humanity from imminent doom!
Not For Broadcast: The Timeloop
And for those who fell in love with Not For Broadcast, with this one you’ll embark on a tense new storyline where you find yourself caught in a timeloop. Uncover fresh clues with each repetition and piece together the truth behind the mysteries unfolding within the newsroom.
Wishlist them now!
