5th Anniversary of Disco Elysium – read gamers' testimonials about this masterpiece

5 years ago, on October 15th, 2019, ZA/UM released Disco Elysium – a work of art that goes beyond the boundaries of video games. This groundbreaking indie title quickly conquered the hearts of gamers and critics worldwide, cementing its place as one of the best role-playing experiences in recent memory.
We could spend all day listing the things that Disco Elysium does exceptionally. From its innovative design and fearless storytelling, through beautiful audiovisuals, to amazing characters and one-of-a-kind gameplay experience. But what is perhaps the most important thing about it, is just how much Disco Elysium stays with its players, grabbing them by their hearts not as just a video game, but as a profound journey into the human soul.
In anticipation of its 5th anniversary, we’ve asked our employees and our community one question:
What does Disco Elysium mean to you?
Please join us in reading their testimonials.
bukiet chabrów (from GOG Team):
What can you really say about Disco that comes even close to capturing what this game means to me and so many others?
It's one of those stories that grab you by the throat with how soul-crushing life can be, but also warm your heart and remind you that despite everything, all the atrocities humanity is capable and guilty of, it can also be breathtakingly beautiful. That we can also care so much – about people, about the world – that it hurts. The pain gets unbearable at times, and yet we persevere, and keep finding beauty among all the sh*t reality throws at us.
The politics are, of course, inextricably tied to the game's emotional weight. Disco holds a mirror up to its audience, their choices reflected back at them, their views interrogated, their ideals tested. But to me, at its core, it's a story about love. About people doing their best to cope, and often failing. About some of them, miraculously, trying anyway. About second chances, and that even if your past choices will always haunt you, even if you feel broken, it's still worth trying to be better. To live.
I am La Revacholière.
Be vigilant. I love you.
mordaisy (from GOG Team):
Disco Elysium left me reflecting on the nature of failure and the absurdity of life. Its depiction of flawed characters, like the murderer motivated by jealousy, captures how life often lacks grand meanings or satisfying conclusions. The ongoing battle with addiction and depression feels painfully authentic, emphasizing how fragile and uncertain personal progress can be. The game doesn’t offer the comfort of clear answers, only the unsettling question of whether true improvement is even possible.
The game’s unresolved mysteries mirror this sense of futility, embracing the messiness of life where not everything has an answer. But that's exactly what makes Disco Elysium so compelling. It stands out for its raw honesty, and it challenges you to think deeply about human nature and the world around you. If you're looking for a game that stays with you long after you finish, it's absolutely worth experiencing.
doorsfloyd (from GOG Community):
It is a philosophy class that you can explore without a teacher.
KUyTh (from GOG Community):
Disco Elysium is my current favorite cRPG.
Since Planescape: Torment, no game has captured me with its writing and exploration of human psychology like Disco Elysium. For those who played the game and are in the know, one particular telephone scene made me choke up and drop my heart. It's the first time a game has ever done something like that to me.
The game shows that cRPGs don't always have to revolve around combat. It also has the best companion in any RPG, in my opinion.
Angelblue (from GOG Community):
It's been a long time since I've played. Especially since I played this game soon after its release. But I can confirm one thing: the game is much more than a game. It leaves a trace in our minds long after we've finished it.
Gradevor (from GOG Community):
Disco Elysium really captured my attention from the get-go and with its clever writing managed to work as an unappointed therapist (in a positive way).
It made me ponder different sides for situations I normally wouldn't and that was, is, captivating and refreshing.
Sephsekla (from GOG Community):
I love a game that explores politics and philosophy, and Disco Elysium is absolutely outstanding in that regard. Some games really shy away from digging into that stuff or use it as set dressing without ever fulfilling the promise they set up.
It also seemed like a really high-profile example of a combat-free RPG, which is a little subgenre I adore.
XIV (from GOG Community):
Disco Elysium is the best representation of a Chaotic Good character in gaming media. You can live in a rubbish dump and partner with juvenile delinquents to solve a murder case without ever meeting the deceased. It's a perfect blend of surreal imagery and deep philosophical questions about human nature. We need more Disco in Elysium!
Nick Naem (from GOG Community):
Disco Elysium is not like any RPG you've played before. The game mechanics are all walk and talk. The battles, if you want to call them that, can be counted on one hand, and they are resolved within two or three rolls of the dice. There is a criminal case, but the game doesn't push you to solve it. Far from being a hero, the protagonist is a man who has been broken by the reality of his life. On an emotional level, Disco Elysium feels like the hangover after a party night you can't even remember. Harry woke up in a world he wanted to escape, with the dreadful knowledge that his next opportunity to escape is days away. Or the fear that he has already crossed the line and it's all just a delirium.
Disco Elysium is more of a story you tell yourself. If you want to completely abandon your duties as a police detective and just bathe in misery, the narrative will continue in that direction. And it will still be a totally gripping story that will eventually come to a compelling and consistent conclusion. Or you could decide to put your life in some kind of order and start all over again.
It was the consistent world-building and storytelling that supported the atmosphere of this 80's-detective-noir tale that drew me in and made me spend 60 hours in Revachol. I will certainly be coming back to it, but as with any good book, you have to put it down for a while before you can read it again.
RenKalan (from GOG Community):
Disco Elysium is a political work but its focus is on man, not ideologies. At its core, Disco Elysium, emotionally, is a painful, unshakable confusion. It is the confusion of man in front of the complexity of relationships: social, personal, and political. It will move you.
Igorche9 (from GOG Community):
Disco Elysium isn't just a game for me; it’s an experience that lingers long after you put it down. From the moment I stepped into the rain-soaked streets of Revachol, I felt an immediate connection to its world—a gritty, yet deeply philosophical place that challenges everything you think you know about morality, identity, and the human condition.
We’d like to thank everyone who shared their feelings towards Disco Elysium. Now, let's all celebrate the 5th anniversary of this beautiful masterpieces – a once-in-a-lifetime title that deserves every praise.