The Yakuza: Like a Dragon Ultimate Costume Set includes the Iconic Characters Pack, the Onomichio Costume Set, the Bleach Japan Costume Set, and the Double Heroine Costume Set.
Iconic Characters Pack:
Adds costumes of iconic characters:
- Kiryu (Ichiban)
- Akiyama (Joon-gi Han)
- Majima (Nanba)
- Date (Adachi)
- Saejima (Zhao)
Onomichio Costume Set:
Adds the Onomichio costume, usable by all party members. Oh No! It's Ono Michio!
Bleach Japan Costume Set:
Adds the Bleach Japan costume, usable by all party members. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
Double Heroine Costume Set:
Adds two Yokohama-themed costumes for Saeko and Eri.
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