This DLC unlocks four new armor types per class (with two tiers each) and four new Humble Ginnings per class, for a total of 36 new outfits—this triples the number of armors in the game! Each armor also brings its own new set of stats and mechanics, allowing you to explore new builds for your heroes. Try an armored battle-mage, an assassin hunter, or a gladiator warrior with lots of movement.
Warrior Armors:
Hunter Armors:
Mystic Armors:
The DLC also adds 40 new transformation skins, allowing for further customization of your transformed heroes. Multiple Wolftouched hunters in your party? Now you can tell them apart! Your Crystalline warrior can be rough or refined, to match her fighting style. Or maybe your Crowtouched mystic has always had a bit of a "saurian" streak.
Each transformation has at least one new skin:
Playing Multiplayer? Not to worry, as long as one player in the group has the DLC, everyone will have access to the new armors and skins.
Now there are even more ways to let your heroes be who they want to be!