Get your hands on The Symbiant Re:Union Artbook (PDF) and a juicy pack of 4K CGs and sprites from the game! Peak into the behind-the-scenes sketches, art direction process of the game and more!
What you get:
- Each CG shown in a WIP stage of art
- Character sprites in new outfits
- All the b...
Windows 10, Intel Core2 Duo, AMD Phenom II or better, 514 MB RAM, VRAM 8MB, Version 9.0, 1 GB availa...
Get your hands on The Symbiant Re:Union Artbook (PDF) and a juicy pack of 4K CGs and sprites from the game! Peak into the behind-the-scenes sketches, art direction process of the game and more!
What you get:
- Each CG shown in a WIP stage of art
- Character sprites in new outfits
- All the backgrounds from the game
- An artbook of 50 pages
A pack of 4K (high resolution) all the sprites and all the CGs from the game with all of the variations (Separate folder from the Artbook!)