A wind blows through the land of Talisman that chills adventurers to the bone. The Ice Queen has weaved new magic to bring an eternal winter. Will you be left frozen by her touch?
Want to add some challenge to your next
Talisman: Digital Edition adventure? With this Legendary Deck, you can increase the difficulty of cards you’ll encounter from
The Frostmarch Expansion. This expansion replaces selected cards from the adventure deck of the
Frostmarch Expansion, redesigned to offer extra challenge for hardcore Talisman players.
Please note: You need to have the original Frostmarch Expansion in order to use this Legendary Deck.
Stronger Monsters
Given new power by the Ice Queen herself, the monsters of the Frostmarch are more threatening than ever.
Legendary Monsters
Some of the deadly creatures that make up the Frostmarch have been given favour by the Ice Queen, granting them the ability to destroy any adventurer who stands in their way.
New Adventure Cards
By playing with this Legendary Deck enabled, your adventure cards will be replaced with new, more challenging cards. This includes cards providing less support, making your journey through the Dungeon even more treacherous.
A Shiny New Look
All Legendary Deck cards also come with a shiny new look, to help you spot them as you play.
Purchasing this Legendary Deck adds it to your Talisman: Digital Edition collection. It is then available to choose in all game modes.
Talisman © Games Workshop Limited 1983, 1985, 1994, 2007. Talisman: Digital Edition © Games Workshop Limited 2021. Games Workshop, Talisman, Talisman: Digital Edition, the foregoing marks’ respective logos and all associated marks, logos, characters, products and illustrations from the Talisman game are either ®, TM and/or © Games Workshop Limited 1983–2021, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. This edition published under license to Nomad Games Ltd. Nomad Games is the registered trademark Nomad Games Limited. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.